Chapter four:One more worry

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"Well, until we meet again"

Ike managed to find his companions he started this school with, sat around a table in the cafe next door to the school after receiving a message as soon as he left music, feeling the vibration of his phone in his pocket.

"Ike's hereeeeee" Mysta giggles, as Ike glanced around at his other fellow friends. Shu was already helping Luca with homework and Vox was glancing out the window, admiring the atmosphere.

Luca looked up from his paper "IKEYYYYY POGGGGG!!" before getting smacked around the back of the head by Shu "If you want help, concentrate. You hyperactive dog." You could hear Luca muttering an 'ow'.

Snapping out of his daze, Vox turned to meet eyes with Ike "How was music with Y/n, Mr. Eveland?" smiling as he said this, Ike froze. How did he know? Did he follow us? Ike thought, giving a blank look to the blacked haired boy.

"So?" Mysta began raising his eyebrows at the blue haired boy as the boy's face became a tinted pink.

"It was just music, it wasn't that special. Besides I only just met the girl." trying to hide the fact he cared for her dearly, even though they just met. As the two boys continued to tease Ike, a girl called Nami Suchiza, from Ike's previous class came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Hey, Ike do you th-" she said before getting cut off, her eyes shocked at the sudden shush coming from the boys mouth.

"Who said you could call me that? Are we on a first name basis?" he turned to face the girl behind him

"Oh! I apologise deeply, I didn't know that-" she froze, she realised who he was "Prince Eveland! I apologise so much for my behaviour, I was just going to ask if you would care to join me at lunch?" she bowed her head down in apology.

"No need, but I apologise." he began making up an excuse "I'm already eating with my friends, Y/n and her friends for lunch, right guys?" glancing a look towards the boys behind him. As they all began nodding in agreement, Ike turned around to see a familiar figure in the distance.

Y/n, she stood there, frozen. Jealousy rushed towards her thoughts, as she turned and walked away. Oh Y/n Ike cried to himself as he saw you rush away. Without saying anything, he began sprinting towards the direction you left from, panic filling him as he managed to catch up to you.

"Y/n, wait," hearing his voice made you freeze in your place "Listen, who ever that girl was, I do not want to-"

"Why are you following me? I just remembered I needed to take something to Finana." you lied, trying to hide the jealousy behind your eyes as they locked upon his emerald ones. Without a second thought, you walk away, your mind filling with regret alongside your jealous thoughts.

As you finally reached the office you spent most of your afternoons in, you checked if anyone was in the room before breaking down into emotions even you couldn't explain. Overwhelming yourself with your thoughts, you hear a door creak open and someone running in to wrap you in their embrace.

"Oh Y/n," you could hear the voice of Elira fill your ears "What has you like this?"

You managed to mumble a few words between your sobs before finally getting what needed to be said out

"It's been less than a day and I have already fallen for one of the new boys," you pause, hesitant to continue. "And it all goes downhill from there, jealousy overloads me with thoughts I didn't want."


603 words  

Had a slight writer's block, but here you lot go.

The sound of wedding bells(Ike Eveland x reader)Where stories live. Discover now