Take My Hand

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"There's this weird looking antique store like a block away. I wanna go get something creepy looking." Willow said from where she was perched on the desk in Daya and Bosco's hotel room. Angie had claimed the empty bed, a still half asleep Camden resting against her shoulder.

"Please nothing haunted. After that one hotel we stayed at I've had enough of ghost shit." Angie said, absent-mindedly running a hand through Camden's hair. She looked over at the other two queens. "Anywhere you wanna go?"

Bosco was still fast asleep, curled up with her head tucked against Daya's chest. Daya was trying not to make what had happened that night obvious and had to fight the urge to kiss Bosco's forehead and get a little too touchy with her. She was lucky the others were used to seeing them be clingy with each other, so this sight was nothing new to them. "Not sure." She said, pulling the blanket closer over Bosco. "I'm not sure I really know what to do with days off anymore."

"Personally I wanted to sleep in." Camden mumbled tiredly, sinking down onto the pillows. Daya would've liked that too. That would've given her some more private time with Bosco to explore this new dynamic they were allowed to have.

As Angie and Willow continued their conversation turned debate into whether or not Willow could bring a haunted doll on the tour bus, Daya's thoughts wandered. She'd really like to take Bosco out privately. Just the two of them. That way she could do the cute couple stuff she had always thought about doing with her. If Bosco was her girlfriend, then Daya wanted to be the best boyfriend for her.

She was only snapped out of her thoughts when Bosco stirred. The smaller queen yawned and stretched her arms, wrapping them around Daya's neck and opening her eyes to look up at her. She smiled immediately, tilting her head up and sleepily pressing a kiss to Daya's lips. "Hi." She whispered.

The room went silent and Daya's eyes widened. She glanced up at the others, finding all three of them staring back with shocked expressions. Bosco tilted her head, turning over with her back pressed against Daya's chest. She froze up when seeing everyone looking. "...Oops."

"Well that's a new one." Willow said, a teasing smile spreading on her face. "But can't say I'm surprised."

"How long has all that been going on?" Angie asked almost smugly, like she knew this was all bound to happen.

Bosco blushed heavily, opting for pulling the blanket back over herself and turning over again to stuff her face against Daya's chest. Daya tried to shake off her own blush, her arm resting over Bosco's waist. "Since, um...last night-"

"Aww~" Camden cooed, now fully awake after seeing that. "So what are you now? Friends with benefits? Besties who kiss? Besties who fuck so they can-"

"We decided to try out a relationship." Daya interrupted her before she could name anything more embarrassing. "You three can stop bothering us about getting together now."

Willow smiled victoriously, lowering herself down from the desk. "Have fun on your date today then."

Daya looked at her in confusion. "What are you-"

"I'm sure it'll be adorable." Angie smiled as she went along with what Willow had said. She stood up from the bed, grabbing Camden's hand to pull her up as well. "We better not distract the lovebirds."

Daya groaned. She should've known they would've started already with all of that. But she'd be lying if she said she wasn't thankful for some more time alone with Bosco. Once the door closed, her new girlfriend's head raised from her chest so she could gaze up at her.

"Are we actually going on a date?" She asked a little quietly, rubbing her still tired eyes.

"Would you like to?" Daya took one of her hands in hers, kissing the top of it and lacing their fingers together. She smiled when she saw Bosco smile, leaning her head down so her forehead could rest against hers.

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