A Lazy Day

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Harlan slowly stirred awake, the soft sound of breathing beside him breaking through the haze of sleep. A scent of mint and cinnamon followed through his senses as he woke up, but he still kept his eyes shut. The fabric of the bed feels different than usual, more plush and cosy, like a warm hug enveloping him. He recalled the memory of last night. It was certain he was not in his own bed.

“Go back to sleep”, he thought to himself, pulling the blanket a bit to cover up his body. He let out a low groan, the sound muffled by the plush pillow under his head. He tried to bury himself deeper into the blankets, but his body was already too energised to fall back asleep. The warmth of the bed was becoming almost suffocating, making him feel like he was in his own personal sauna.


Harlan couldn't help but curse under his breath. He remembered it was Monday. The typically most hated day of the week by humans, plus a werewolf too. Harlan wanted to do nothing more than keep himself in bed all day, and maybe never wake up until it is Friday night again. But the sensations got to a point that forced his eyes to finally open. Letting out a sigh, he adjusted to the sunlight spreading through the curtains. However, he felt a blood rush with a pinch of serotonins in his body as he looked at the person lying next to him.

Cyrus was still asleep, facing him. His raven hair was a little messy, some strands falling across his forehead. His breathing was slow and steady. Harlan felt himself smiling at the sight. It was becoming a habit, as he always feels relieved to see Cyrus in a peaceful state. He can find solace in just the simple act of watching the raven boy breathe. Hell, he loves how much this boy could get wild, but it still makes him grounded to know Cyrus is still there with him, safe and sound.

Harlan's hand reached out to the boy’s face, his thumb tracing soothing circles as he tuck the strands of hair back to the ear. He could feel Cyrus move a little closer to him, making Harlan embrace him more. Harlan Briggs never knows how to be romantic or how it feels. He was never the type to give the commitment to someone, and everyone around him knew it. But here he is, dating that boy in his arms for some months.

Harlan's fingers brush along the curve of Cyrus' jaw, taking in the softness of his skin. He couldn't help but marvel at the feeling of Cyrus' body against his own.

The way their limbs tangled together was like they were made for each other. It was moments like this that made Harlan feel like he could stay in bed forever.

He pulled Cyrus closer to him. The scent of mint and cinnamon hit him again. He loved how Cyrus always smelled like that, it was a scent that was uniquely his. Harlan found himself burying his nose into Cyrus' hair, taking in the intoxicating fragrance. He knew it was silly, but he didn't care. He wanted to keep that scent with him for as long as possible. He fucking loves to feel Cyrus' scent on him. It was so obvious that Luna would roll her eyes every time she caught a whiff of that scent on Harlan, and Harlan surely liked to watch her face squinch.

“Harlan?”, Cyrus mumbled in a low, tone husky as he was still half asleep. He snuggled closer to Harlan, burying his head to Harlan’s chest.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”, Harlan asked, running his fingers through Cyrus’s hair.

Cyrus only let out a soft hum, trying to get his eyes open, one hand cupping Harlan’s face.

“Morning, Har”

Cyrus looked like he was about to fall asleep again, his hand on Harlan’s face dropping. A small smile tugged on Harlan's face, he played with Cyrus’ hair, gazing at subtle movements on the boy’s features.

“It’s Monday”, he muttered in a musing tone, waiting for Cyrus’s reaction.

“I know”, Cyrus replied, “Don’t care”, he added in a muffled voice, moving his body as he finds more comfort in Harlan’s arms. Harlan chuckled softly at Cyrus' response."Yeah, screw school," he thought to himself. He knew that Cyrus never really cared much for the mundane responsibilities of everyday life, and neither is he.

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