The hospital

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~~ TRIGGER WARNING: mention of rape, kidnapping and abusing ~~

Jaimy was sitting on a hospital bed. Listening to all the sounds around her. She had never heard these noises before. There were people coughing, crying and yelling. And all of the machines were beeping. The noises were overwhelming her. The hand on her wrist from her captor  was overwhelming her even more.

She started heavy breathing when one of the doctors came around the corner and started talking. It was a female doctor with beautiful brown hair.

"Hi Jaimy, we ran some tests on why your fever is so high, but we can't seem to find anything. We would like to do some bloodwork to see what is causing the fever"

"No" A cold and deep voice said. "she doesn't need it, she's fine" Jaimy recognized the voice immediately. It was the voice of the man who was holding onto her wrist tight, her captor, of course he said she didn't need it. He is scared someone's going to find out what he did to her. 

"Sir, a fever is a very serious thing, we need to do the bloodwork or we won't find out what's wrong with her" The doctor said.

"How long will it take" Jaimy asks looking down to the floor. Wondering if someone notices what is happening here.

"Just a few minutes, you will be back in no time, Jaimy"

"Okay do it" the deep voice said and the doctor rolled over a wheelchair for Jaimy to sit in. 

Jaimy's pov

I am sitting in the wheelchair, looking down at the ground, trying not to say anything about the situation i'm in. The doctor pushes me to a room with another male doctor waiting on us. In the room is a bed and a chair. Nothing else. It doesn't look like they want to take my blood. The doctor pushed me over so i was facing both the chair and the bed and she took a seat on the chair while the other doctor sits on the bed. It doesn't look like they want to take my blood

"What is happening?" i ask, being worried about what my captor is going to do if i don't get back in the next few minutes.

"Jaimy we wanted to talk about your situation" the doctor on the hospital bed says.

"No, i have to go" I say standing up and try to open the door, but realizing it's locked.                  "let me out" I say, as i get into the corner of the room

"Jaimy we can't, we need to know what's going on" the doctor in the chair answers

I start crying knowing what he'll do to me if i say anything.

"Jaimy, he isn't your father, is he?" The male doctor asks.

I start sobbing and softly say "no"

The woman walks over to me and tries to give me a hug but i flinch. I have never been touched in a soft way so any kind of touch freaks me out. She softly puts a hand on my shoulder and says "we're going to help you, Jaimy" 

"call the police and tell them to hurry" She tells the male doctor as he grabs his phone and walks out. 

"He is going to kill me if he finds out what's happening" I say with tears in my eyes. The doctor that is still in the room with me reassures me that i am safe now and he can't get to me.

A few minutes later i see a few people of the police standing outside the room in the hallway. 

A man comes into the room and introduces himself

"Hello Jaimy, my name is Aaron and i'm going to help you, okay. You're safe now, we arrested your captor, he can't get to you"

"okay" I say in relieve, i'm finally not going back to the basement he kept me in for 12 years.

"Will you tell me what happened, Jaimy?" The police officer says and i nod.

I tell him everything i remember. From being taken from my parents to being raped and abused for years and kept in a cold basement while he used  me for anything he wanted.

"Thank you for trusting me with your story, Jaimy, is it okay if i take you to the police department so i can help you find out who your family is?"

"Yes, thank you for listening to me" I say

The female doctor that was still in the room with me takes a box of pills out of her pocket and says "I want you to take these every morning, to keep the fever away, okay?" 

"Yes thank you i will" I say

The police officer guides me to the hospital hallway where i'm met with more officers. I get a little scared because my captor was just here, but then i remember they arrested him and he propably won't ever get out of jail.

The officers walk me over to their police cars and ask me if i want to sit in the back or the front of the car.

"I've never sat in the front" i say "he always put me in the back"

"Then you can sit in the front now" The officer, that introduced himself as Aaron, says.

As i'm sitting in the front of the car, we drive to the police department...

~~ What do you guys think of this chapter? I kind off like it but i think it also went really fast, let me know what you think!~~

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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