A weird challange I wanna try :P

18 2 7

Hola Amigos! :D

(Sorry for my bad grammarrrrrr, I can't speak English wellllll :'D)

So, maybe you noticed this weird challange (or only my school does this challange, idk) called: Speak English for the rest of the day. And yea, I wanna try this out :P Cuz I kinda like to speak English, cuzzzzzz? Idk, it's fun. 

Okay, like every chapter, I'm gonna talk around the topic horror because why not? XD And this time not about FNaF, the best game in history. I would rather focus on a game, that is probably not as popular as in America or countries where people speak English. It's amanda the adventurer guys.

So if you don't know what amanda the adventurer is, let me explain: It is a kids show where demons and real souls of humans, which died, live in little tapes that are cursed. I don't know how exactly  the story is  if I'm being honest. The most important characters are Wooly who is the most adorable sheep in the world and completly innocent and Amanda who was or is still Rebecca, that is the adopted child of Sam who created the kids show. 

And the game is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo nice :D The story is nice, the gameplay is nice and the tapes and also the SECRET tapes are so interesting and nice! :D But it's not as good as Fnaf, that's almost impossible! But it's still good :D

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