Chapter One Paris Falls France

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Chapter One Paris Falls France

"Mooom I'm going to school!" Called out Marinette as she ran up to the door, holding it wide open. "Okay honey have a good day at school! Love you!" "Love you too mom!" Yelled Marinette as she then ran out the door and closed it behind her.

"Grunkle Stan?" "Yea what is it kid don't you see I'm trying to suck in some pathetic suckers-I mean *customers* to my Marvelous shack of mysteries!" "Facades I think you meant not mysteries. Anyway me and Ford are going out into the forest to go look for more anomalies we just wanted to let you know before we head out. So we will be back soon okay grunkle stan-" "Yea yea sure go on do you're myth busting hipster snooping outside got it." "I heard that Stan." Spoke Uncle Ford as he showed up from downstairs in the basement. He looked at his brother with a stern sense in his eyes, but then shrugged and looked at Dipper and smiled. "Well, ready to do some research little dip?" "Hahaha! Yea! Totally! I mean, uh, yea sure its cool whatever. Let's go!!"

As Marinette sat at her desk in the classroom trying to work on her school duties, she then all of a sudden heard, "Waaaahhh! Waaaahhhh!!" 'Gigantitan' "Everyone stay calm and do not fret Ladybug and Chat Noir will take care of the situation at hand momentarily." Spoke Ms. Bustier as she hushed down the worried whispers and gasps of the class.

Marinette then opened up her purse and looked at Tikki and nodded at her, soon after she snuck out of the class quietly.

"Tikki Spots on!"

"Plagg Claws out!"

"So I heard some rumors about bigfoot and I was wondering if you would like to possibly start there?" "Yes that's true that there is the possibility of him existing, and if he does exist we should start in the middle of the forest for clues then work our way back to the deeper ends of the forest because my previous sightings of him resided more back there. Shall we start from the middle?" "Haha yea totally!"

Pink...Blues...and mystic magic and clouds. 'Hmmm. The universes...Have been fluctuating quite a bit lately...I should reach out to someone about it...And I think I know just the person to reach out to...Although...HE could cause carnage once more if I take that chance...I'm gonna have to take that chance though...because if this keeps up...who knows what outrageous catastrophes it could lead to for the rest of the infinity dominos that *I* have created. Yet HE can't do that alone...Poor guardian...Maybe I should send him some new allies...Those kids...And their brilliant yet also foolish uncles...I think they will be the perfect fit for this job.' Then the entity covered in pinks and blue smiled softly and then sent the message along to the one he had chosen.

"Zzzzz....zzzzz...." "Fu...." "Gasp. Axolotl? I thought you had left our universe for, well FOREVER! What brings you back here now?" "I have noticed that the purple one that goes by the name of Hawkmoth has been causing more and more chaos in this universe and COULD potentially harm OTHER universes if this leads on so I have decided that I will be sending you new allies from MY home universe." "But can't you just take care of him yourself? He is causing so much trouble and we just BARELY have any leads onto his identity and he has two of some of the most powerful miraculouses of the seven in his possession." "I am sorry Fu but I can not under any circumstances interfere with affairs such as these unless it is DIRELY necessary. Yet do not fret my friend these allies will be able to help tremendously. Soon they will be here...Soon."

"Gasp!" "Master! Are you alright?" "The axolotl Wayzz! He has spoken with me once more. This time it was important! It was about his concerns with Hawkmoth." "What did he have to say master?" "He said we will be soon receiving help." "Help? From who master?" "I don't know Wayzz, but I know this, if the Axolotl trusts these people, we can trust them too."

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