The Unicorn

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Long ago in a time before technology, people lived alongside nature. In one small village there lived a smart, curious little girl named Vivianna. She loved to go out and explore the world around her, collecting rocks and leaves; picking flowers and berries.

One sunny day on one of Viviannas adventures, she came across a pond with all kinds of animals gathered around. Frogs croaking from their lily pads, and the deer lowering it's head to drink water. Just through the trees she saw another deer slowly approaching the pond; but when it stepped into the sun she saw the beautiful creature had only one horn on it's head, a unicorn! She squeeled with glee having seen a unicorn for the first time! She remembered all the stories her mother told her about them, but here was one right in front of her!

It stepped close to her letting her pet its shimmering almost purple coat. Up close she could see the shiny horn on it's head, it looked almost like glitter was covering the horn, catching the sun and shining even brighter. She offered it some berries she had stashed in her pocket, giggling as it's whiskers tickled her hand while it gobbled them all up. She stroked its mane and whispered to it,

"I'm gonna call you Razz!" she smiled thinking it was just the perfect name for her new best friend. She led the unicorn back to her village where she fed berries to it and they went in adventures every day.

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