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I sat crosslegged on the porch outside my recent humble aboard, bidding goodbye to the two puppets that helped to quickly move me in.

"It's no problem Mx, glad we could be of service. Be sure to get in touch with the assistant director to get ahold of your schedule."

They replied inside the truck,      
dangling the keys to fit the ignition.

"Thank you again, gentleman, I will be sure to deliver a call."

They drove away in the distance. Unaware of what was behind me. I snap my head back up when my form was engulfed by someone's shadow. My eyes widened when met with a set of sleepy pair ones. A yellow puppet peered down on me with a smile.

I flung my fuzzy plush hands in place of where the heart should be. "Ahh ! You frightened me!" I laughed out of shame.

The muppet picked up on my laugh, laughing along. "I'm awfully sorry. That was not my intention dear. The names Wally."

"It's quite alright, oh! You're Wally? Wally Darling?" I replied as I sat up to examine his features with a hum.

"Why yes I am." The muppet had a laugh again. His laugh was dried of emotion.

"Well, now that you're here. It would be rude of me to ask you to leave. I welcome you to come inside to continue our conversation."
I gestured towards the entrance.

"Oh my, you're very sweet. I accept your offer." Wally replied with more enthusiasm.

Wally joined me by the door. I had unlocked it and bobbed my head for him to go first. I follow now close behind as we enter my new residence.

"I must make a phone call right now. I hope you don't mind the inconvenience. Make yourself at home."

He placed a hand behind his neck gracefully with a dorky smile on his puppeteer face. Looking to be flattered.

"I'm honored. Thank you."

"My pleasure. After all, I welcomed you inside. It's the right thing to do."

I beamed politely before making my way to the rotary phone and dialing the number given. Wally made his way to the couch.

It rung for a couple of seconds until a beep was heard. The other on the end picked up.

"Good afternoon! What may be the issue?"
The puppet on the other side of the phone practically sang.

"Why hello, I'd like to speak to you about the  scheduling. Preferably my schedules."

"Hm, I see. Allow me one minute to pull up the records."

"Alright." I cleared my throat and seated myself in a empty desk. Plotting my heels on top. My head soon drifted elsewhere. Never could I have dreamt being co-stars with Wally Darling. My name next to his. From street performer to broadcasting on live TV. It was hard to believe any of this was real.

"Hello? Hello?" The other end calls out.

I held the rotary phone closer in ears reach. Holding the brim of my nose(Alt; Or where the nose should be) Apologizing profusely for my lack of awareness.

"You were saying?" I shyly responded. My plush hands crawling upwards to my face in shame.

"Yes, I suggest you pull up a pen and paper so you don't have to keep records in that head of yours."

I pull a pen and paper and began writing the numbers given without a remake. If I'd continue to converse I would lose this job faster with the piece of mind I wanted to give him.

I sat up and hung up the phone shortly after. As I walked through the halls, It was then that I realized how silent the house fell. Had Wally left? Surely not as I would have heard him. Perhaps he did and I just hadn't noticed.

I perk up when I spot Wally seated in the living room. He peeled his dark eyes away the painted non see through window to spot me, and his eyes softened. In return I show my smile. Pleased to see he wasn't the impatient type.

"You're back." Wally hummed.

"Yeah, sorry for keeping you waiting." I sat crosslegged on the couch next to Wally. Pleased that the place had cater and that I wouldn't need to buy my own.

"It's no issue. You do not owe me your time. I am simply a host."

"You're joking? It's an honor to be in the company of your presence." I protested.

"Nonsense. There's real talented puppets/muppets out there. I just happened to get lucky." The puppet chuckled before taking another snack off the catering dish.

"Hm, you must be decent if you're able to obtain an acting career. I highly doubt you just so happened to have gotten lucky this long." I replied.

"You'd be shocked." Taking a moment to continue. "Well, I do a bit of art. Sometimes I entertain the idea of making art a full career once my contract expires. This place isn't worth saving."

"Care to explain?" I turn to face Wally who was staring intensely at the catering dish.

"You didn't hear it from me, but there's a lot of snitches in the work place. I recommend trusting no one with secrets or having any secrets at all. It'll just get you into trouble."

I linger on the thought Wally had installed in my head. "Trust no one" The workplace must've been horrible to convey such a harsh bitter tone. It made me second guess signing the contract.

"Thank you for the heads up. I'll take it into consideration when talking to others."

We sat in each other's company for a brief minute. Basking in our surroundings, until an alarm rang. "Oh. Well would you look at the clock. I must be heading to rehearsals. Perhaps you could join me one day." Wally said in a low monotone as he sat up.

"Maybe. You're welcome to come back anytime Darling." I smiled professionally and took Wally's hand in mine. I noticed his demander warm up with the slightest touch.

"Before I go, I wanted to let you know, I left my number on the coffee table. Call me if you have any trouble."
Wally made a thumb up and pinky out hand gesture as he exited with his face facing my direction.

I couldn't help but smile.
"It's been a pleasure Wally."

I gently close the door as I reenter the living space. Snatching what Wally had left. His number was there as he promised.

I walked through the empty hallways to the bedrooms and sat on the made bed. A thought had lingered. If Wally Darling wasn't necessarily happy with his career, what makes me any less different? It was beginning to get darker. I had no choice but to put a pin on the thought. Perhaps tomorrow will be the same as today. I wouldn't mind another day with Wally.

𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐱 (𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥) 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt