The Bet | Ryota Kise x Fem Reader

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Kise and all the members of the Generation of Miracles, have all been invited to a basketball competition in Los Angeles, California. Since they have all been in college, they have been trying to make it to the big league. They will be competing with people throughout the whole world. This could be an opportunity for them to make it into the NBA. Scouters from different basketball organizations will be there. This was going to be a big deal for everyone because this will be their moment to shine. Since this was their first trip going to America, the members were all pretty nervous. They were invited to take a private jet for the trip. This would also be the first time they would be traveling together. 

As they started getting onto the private jet, they saw how nice and spacious it is. There were 5 sections where they have a room for themselves. They each went to their own section and sit in their seats to prepare to take off. Each of them had their very own flight attendant.

Kise sat in his attended area and started to become nervous. Kise is not scared of a lot of things. However, the thought of flying always scared him. Then all of sudden, you the flight attendant came up to him and said "Good morning, Ryota Kise how are you today? My name is y/n and I'll be your flight attendant for today."

Kise has been improving a lot in his English but its still a little rusty and he said, "I'm good, and you can just call me Kise. Also, I'm just nervous because I've never been on a jet or plane before." You chuckle and say "Aww, I understand how you feel. I was scared at first when I was a kid, but I grow to love it afterward." He smiled and said "Well, hoping I will grow to love it too! How long have you been a flight attendant?" "Hmm, I think I've been one for about 3 years now! It's honestly really fun and I wouldn't trade it for the world" you said. You guys kept on talking, and then, the captain of the jet said in the speaker "Good morning, we are about to take off so make sure your seat belt is on and enjoy the ride! I'll let you know when are able to walk around.

You sat down in your designated area with all the other flight attendants. You all started to become flight attendants around the same time. You guys have become really good friends afterwards.

They were gossiping about the other players and how attracted they were. "I think Murasakibara is really intimidating but still very hot. The things I would let him do to me is crazy" Valeria said. Stella said "VAL! Girl, you need to seriously chill out. What if one of the players hears you?"

"I don't care if they hear me because I want all of them to be honest with you. Especially, Murasakibara he is just so hot, and whenever I would walk away to get something, I can feel him checking me out."

"Oh please, you're probably just being delusional; and even if he was, you are too shy to do anything about it," Jackie said. "Oh really? You think I won't make a move on him right now? Watch me, the captain gives us the ok to walk around, and I'll make Murasakibara fold for me in seconds".

"Whatever, you're not even that bold which is ok because I bet I can pull Midormia way before you," Jackie said. You and Layla just rolled your eyes as they kept on going on and on about their bets and challenges.

You guys would always hate when they do stupid challenges like this.

Who would fuck who first? Who could get the person's number first?

It's always so annoying, and you and Layla are usually the quiet ones and never take part in these dumbass challenges they come up with.

But this time you had enough and you wanted to put an end to this.

"You know what? I'll join you guys on this bet. However, if I can pull Kise before you guys you have to stop doing these stupid challenges. Also, you both have to pick up some shifts when I don't feel like working and I want to have some days off. If I lose though, I'll pick up a shift for the both of you guys. Deal?"

The Bet | Ryota Kise x Fem ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora