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Name: Lucas C. OakFire

Nickname(s): None

Age: 133 years

Gender: Trans Male

Height: 5'3ft

Weight: 40lbs(Wolf) 92lbs(Human)

Species: Zephyr Wolf

Class: Strike/Mayhem/Tracker

Sexuality: Pansexual|Polyamorous

Relationship: Married


•His Husband - Lucas loves spending quality time with his husband, having deep conversations about their lives, and cuddling together.

•His Boss - Lucas likes his boss because he is a mentor to him, and always gives him constructive feedback and recognition for his work.

•His Friends - Lucas likes spending time with his close friends because they have shared interests and can engage in interesting conversations.

•Spicy Foods - Lucas loves spicy foods and likes to experiment with different types of spices and cuisines to try new flavors and heat levels.

•Reading - Lucas is an avid reader and enjoys various genres, including LGBTQ+, fantasy, and horror.

•Traveling - Lucas loves to travel and explore new places, both domestically and internationally. He enjoys immersing himself in different cultures and trying new foods.

•Cooking - Lucas loves experimenting with different recipes and cuisines, and takes pride in creating delicious meals for himself and his loved ones.

•Animals - Lucas has a soft spot for animals, especially dogs and horses, and enjoys spending time with them.


•Loud and busy places - Lucas doesn't like places where there are a lot of people talking and making noise. It can be overwhelming for him and make him anxious.

•Being touched or hugged - Lucas doesn't like being touched by strangers or people he's not comfortable with. It can make him feel uncomfortable and tense.

•Ignorance - Lucas dislikes when people are willfully ignorant and refuse to learn or listen to others.

•Complexity - Lucas doesn't like overly complex or complicated situations. He prefers things to be simple and straightforward.

•Cruelty to Animals- Lucas is very fond of animals and dislikes when people mistreat them or are unkind to them.

•Loud or Unnecessary Noise - Lucas is sensitive to loud and chaotic environments, especially when there is loud or unnecessary noise. He prefers calm and quiet surroundings and can become easily irritated when there is a lot of noise around him.


•Great flexibility - Lucas may not have a lot of muscle mass, but he is incredibly flexible and can easily bend, twist, and stretch his body in different ways.

•Excellent endurance for cardio activities - since Lucas doesn't carry a lot of weight, he might be able to engage in activities such as long-distance running or cycling for an extended period of time without getting worn out.

•Fast reflexes - due to his light build, Lucas can quickly change direction and evade attacks or obstacles.

•High level of dexterity - Lucas has well-trained fine motor skills that allows him to perform intricate tasks, such as playing a musical instrument or doing complex workouts.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2023 ⏰

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