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Kaiser Wolfgang von Dahlensburg, or Wolfgang I stared at the report he had just gotten from General Gregor in Nuremberg, the city has been secured, all hostile forces have been neutralized.

"Good..." Wolfgang whispers, a feeling of satisfaction washes over him. It was only natural that such men get slaughtered like sheep, they deserve it and now God has them before him.

His mind then drifts back to the situation in Nuremberg, it's a damn headache. He'd been informed about the attack the moment the army arrived to retake the city, now across the Empire a campaign of censorship and hush orders is underway.

All soldiers currently within Nuremberg or participated in the battle are not to say anything about what had happened within the city, all outgoing mail is thoroughly scanned and checked for anything that would blow the lid on what's happening inside the city.

All civilians who were residents of Nuremberg were detained and sent back into the city only after it was safe to do so. And even before that, they were all held within camps, nobody was going to say a word...

All roads to Nuremberg have been closed, all the press offices have been put under government watch, this affair was staying in Germany, no foreign enemies will know about his... Especially the Angevins. So far, nobody outside the higher echelons of the Military and Government, eyewitnesses and survivors of the battle of Nuremberg know about what happened inside the city.

Wolfgang sighs, he didn't want to do this to his own people. But it's too late, and this was a necessary precaution.

The whole world couldn't resist the temptation of attacking them while their backs were turned, and the possibility of another world. One untainted by Industrialization? They'd kill for that opportunity.

Suddenly, the doors to Wolfgang's office swing open and an old friend steps in. "Wolfgang you old crow! Nice to see you again!" General Erich von Wittchen, a man of equal height with Wolfgang, both men are like two skytowers standing next to each other, a thick bushy beard covers his face as he smiles brightly at his old friend.

The two men embrace, Wolfgang fells the cold metal of Erich's prosthetic right arm around him, "And good to see you too, you bear!" The two laughs, it's a pleasant moment. "So, have you been informed?" Wolfgang asks, while taking a seat, the conversation takes a serious turn.

"Yes, I have." Erich responds, "And I must say... God has a sense of humor!" He laughs, Wolfgang lets out a quiet chuckle at this.

"Yes, he most certainly does." Wolfgang says standing up, looking out of his office's large window. "It's seeming like fate that we, the people of Germania would face our ancient adversary once again..."

"Huh, who would have thought that after a thousand years we would be facing Rome again?" Erich pondered, finding this whole situation to be a weird twist of fate.

Wolfgang is quiet, he's still staring out the window, he's deep in thought... or something else?

"Mein Kaiser? Wolff? You all right" Erich was growing concerned for his friend, he reached out to touch his shoulder. "They took him..." Wolfgang quietly says, stopping Erich dead in his tracks.

"What...?" Erich was confused, "They took Heinrich the bastards..." Erich's eyes widen as he remembers what had happened that day, the Imperial Princes were taking a tour across all the major cities in the Empire, handing out supplies to the war-battered populace, and the day the attack started, the princes were in Nuremberg.

"Is Sigmund, okay?" Erich asked, worried over the boys whom he considered nephews and he, their uncle. "Sigmund was the one who told me..." Wolfgang said, his voice barely above a whisper.

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