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I was laying in my bed when I got a snap from my brother asking if I wanna come to a party he's hosting tonight. It was a pool party so I reluctantly said yes and went to my closet to change into my swimsuit.

 It was a pool party so I reluctantly said yes and went to my closet to change into my swimsuit

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I got in my car and I left to go to my brother's house. I was about to walk in when the door opened revealing my brother. He yanked me into the house and said,

"Were playing truth or dare by the pool and your playing."

I yanked my arm away and said,

"Fuck no."

He then said,

"Yn... what if I told you Jackson was here playing. He was wondering if you were coming so I called you and asked you to come so now you better come and play with us or else you can leave."

My eyes widened and I just followed him to the pool. As soon as we got there all eyes were on me. I just ignored everyone and sat in one of the chairs. 

*Backstory about Jackson.*

Jackson Passaglia has been your brother's best friend for as long as you can remember. He's a senior so he's in your class since your both still in high school. Your brother graduated last year. You have had the biggest crush on him since you both joined high school and your brother knew about everything. But he swore not to tell him so everything was good. 

*End of backstory*

All of a sudden you hear a female voice say,

"omg.. yn?

I look up to see my best friend that I haven't seen in ages.. Chloe. She graduated with my brother and has been living out her new life in college so I haven't been able to see her since then.  

I got up and hugged her and we both squealed and then we sat down and talked for a while. All of a sudden I hear,

"Yn Chloe come play truth or dare!"

I look over and see Jackson starting at me so I rolled my eyes and looked back at Chloe who was already getting up and she dragged me over to the side of the pool. 

We sat together and Jackson was the opposite of me. We kept playing and then everyone decided to switch spots so now I was by Jackson instead of Chloe. It was really awkward since I was trying hard to get but it was hard since I knew he probably knew I liked him because my brother will tell anyone anything if he gets something for it. 

I was sitting on the edge of the pool and Jackson was standing beside me in the pool. He looked over at me and said,

"So.. hows life?"

I didn't answer. He asked again,

"You gonna talk or just sit there..?"

I looked over to see him looking at me like this. 

I rolled my eyes and said,

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I rolled my eyes and said,

"Life's fine and.. I'll just sit here."

He was a bit taken back by what I had said so he replied with,

"Damn, thought you'd actually wanna talk to me.... I mean you always do so I didn't think things would be different."

I looked down at him and said,

"What if I don't wanna talk to you though.. then what?"

He sat there silently but then said,

"Yn just talk to me.."

I then said,

"Why? About what?"

He then said, 

"Because I want to talk to you, and we could talk about the fact that you have liked me for ages."

I looked down at him and he chuckled and said again,

"Yea iv'e known for a long while."

I just stared at him for a while and said,

"Yea well no."

He then lifted himself up beside me and said,

"Yn, stop playing this game it's not worth it." 

I sighed and said,

"Did my brother tell you that?"

He let out a little laugh and then said,

"Nah iv'e known since like 9th grade."

I blushed a little and said,

"Well guess that's out there now-"

"Yn I like you too so there's no need to hide it."

he interrupted me saying. 

I sat there speechless but managed to get the courage to say,

"Jackson I can't do this right now."

He took his arm and pulled me closer to him and I couldn't resist so we just sat there together with me in his arms and he said,

"I love you... and I know you do to but your just to scared to say it." 

I looked down and hugged my legs to myself and he wrapped his arms around me. I then mumbled in reply,

"I love you too.."

Jackson Passaglia OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now