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Hey guys, i'am back  ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و , sorry for being so late  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) , but anyways enjoy the story!
Sapnap pov:
"ohhh....shit" me and Quackity said together
"dude, i don't wanna go" I said with a fearful voice
"dude.... we have to" Quackity said while having the same tone as my voice
"you know what i'am dragging you" Quackity said while grabbing my wrist
"YO! BENNIE BOY AND FLAME BOY GET OVER HERE!" the teacher said obviously calling us
"lol, imagine getting called those nicknames" one of the kid said while passing over us
"shut up, and mind your own business" Quackity said
The kids just rolled his eyes and walked away like nothing happed
As we walked to the teacher, he handed us some pe clothes
Like usual, we took the clothes and went to the showe room so we could change there.
After changing, we went to the gym, and saw that kids were on different sides
It's good that Quackity was on my team, otherwise it"ll be hard
After, finding out what the thing we were doing, we were fucked up
I realized it was dodgeball, and I was fucking bad at dodgeball
But that did'nt stop me, i took a deep breath and i let my hyperness all out
After that, the coach blew the whistel
Everbody was going ham, everbody was picking up ever single ball they could pick up and throwing it as hard as they can.
Ofcorse, Quackity was being the dumass he was and he was also going ham, but I letted him do what he wanted to do.
After about 20 mins (which felt like 2 hours), we were finally done with the dogeball thing
My arms, legs, back, EVERTHING is hurting like hell
Quackity is just smiling about this whole thing, it's like he's just won a game or something
"dude, that game was so fucking fun!" Quackity said whit a happy tone in his voice
I let a groan escape my mouth
"whats wrong?, it's not that you don't like pe, right?" Quackity said
"Shut uppp" I said while groaning
"Rude much" Quackity said
"anyways, wanna take a shower? Quackity asked
"idk where the showers are, i'am new here" I said
"I"ll lead you" Quackity said 
Just as Quackity was leading me, I saw dream, I quickly hid my face so he would'nt see me
"Dude, you okay?" Quackity asked
"yeah, i'am fine, just got a little carried away" I said
"alright" Quackity said
"Wanna get your clothes first?" Quackity asked
"Yeah, sure" I said while stopping at the lockers where I changed
As i grabbed my clothes I saw that dream was also heading this way, I quickly took my clothes and ran to Quackity
"Dude, i'am back" I said
"k, follow me" Quackity said
While I was walking, I noticed that Dream was talking with his friends
Dude, this is the 3rd time i saw him, is he following me or something?
I decided to brush that thought off and best to ignore him
"Here it is, oh, and don't worry, I will tell the principal to get you a lock so you can lock your locker" Quackity said
"Alright, thanks" I said
since I did'nt take some shampoo or conditioner with me, I will only take a bath
I took the towel that they left in sink, this locker room is actually really cool, it had this woodend wall, the sink was made of that white marble thing, and they had some plastic bags so you could put your wet clothes in it
It also has a blow dryer
After 20 mins, I was done with my bath, I changed into my flame hoddie, and my black ripped pants, then, I turned on the blow dryer and I started to dry my har with it, then, that's when I saw him again Dream,
"Yo guys, it's the new kid, how about we give me a nice welcome?' Dream said while laughing, his friends also laughed along with him
I knew he was toxic, deep inside
Then that's when I got punched in the face and my stomach got punched
I started to bleed through my nose and my hand had bruises in them
"Your lucky you only had this little, I would've beaten your ass so much you can't barely see" Dream hissed
Then, he just walked off leaving me here behind
My vison started to get blurry, and I was probably blacking out.
I then heard running footsteps and I felt like I was being carried
I woke up in a unfamiliar room and I felt like walking, but I couldn't
"Where....am....i?" I asked
Then I heard someone get off the chair and walk towards me
"I thought you would be dead!" Karl said
"K-Karl...?" i asked
"yes, it's me, dumbass" Karl said
"Heyyy...." I said
"Sorry..." Karl said
"It's fine...but where's Quackity? I asked
"oh him.. He's in our dorm, he even took your stuff so you don't have to worry about taking your stuff" Karl said
"Tell Quackity I said thank you" I said
"I will" Karl said while smiling
"thank you" I said
"Anyways, what time is it?" I asked
Karl quickly pulled his phone and opened his phone
"3:50" Karl said
"WE SKIPPED SCHOOL!?!?" I said while screaming
Karl covered his ears and closed his eyes
"Jeez, stop screaming!" Karl said
"Sorry" I said
"it's fine, and yes, we skipped school, but I told the principal to skip school because you were hurt" Karl explained
"Thanks again" I said
"No worries" Karl said
"What time am i leaving here? I asked
"As soon as you feel better" Karl said
"I do feel better" I said
"Alright, if you say so" Karl said
As i got off the bed, Karl grabbed me by the shoulder, and he started to walk me to my, Karl's, and Quackity's dorm.
Hi guys, i'am extra motivated today and that's why you have a really long chapter be greatful for that  ( ͒ ́ඉ .̫ ඉ ̀ ͒) 
Anyways, hope you have a good moring/night/afternoon (♡◕ω◕♡)
You are loved, don't listen to anyone who says you look shit ₍₍ ( ๑॔˃̶◡˂̶๑॓)◞♡⁰
Your beautiful  ٩(๑•̀o•́๑)و 
Words: 1,063

"Why do you have to be so fucking cute" ll dreamnap llOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant