Cheating PT 3

207 3 1

All are 18+

5 years later and beacon hills felt like past to stiles. He'd cut contact with almost every one expect Scott and his dad. He made sure everyone knew he held no resentment but needed to move on. He'd managed to hold a job with the FBI in less the a year of moving which got him enough to buy apartment. Despite working with glorified pigs, he could never keep his nose out of the supernatural and the underground life. Which happily went hand and hand. He'd gotten addicted to booze, coke, laughing gas. Cuz instead of hyping him up they calmed him and helped him think. Most nights he snorted as much as he could handle and drink until he vomited. Well that was until about 9 months ago. A lot changed when his girlfriend who had been supplyingi him got pregnant. He knew he wouldn't let it see him fucked up like that. Not like how he saw his father. Stiles was happy to have this. He didn't believe in god but he thought this was a miracle. However Mandy, his girlfriend, seemed angry and disappointed. Anytime he brought up what they need to buy and that they needed to figure out custody she pushed him off. She even went as far as to drug him with coke 4 months into his sobriety to make him stop talking about it. The day she was born it was like a switch flipped in his head. He couldn't explain it but it was like a feeling beyond himself. He'd been selfless his whole life. Given people more then enough and let himself be walked all over. But it was different. He'd never understood killing for someone. Dying for someone, yes. But killing had always seemed weird. But when he was handed her he knew he would kill anyone who tried to hurt her. He saw nothing but beauty in her eyes. She was so gorgeous. Most babies came out so hideous. So alien like but when it's your baby it's perfect. They tried to hand her to Mandy but she shooed her away. They took it as pain but it wasn't that. Not all women or people that give birth instantly love there kids. It's normal that after all the pain and suffering that the child doesn't feel like yours. That doesn't make you a terrible parent or a disgusting person that makes you human. So once it was them three he sat down next to her with the baby in his hands. "Mandy?" He asked. "What?" She answered. "I know you just went through the worst pain of your life but I need you to listen to me. I love her. And I know you might not. And that's okay. Wether you grow to or not thats okay. We can co-parent if you want. We can get married and be a family. Or one of us can get sole custody. You don't have to answer me now. We have time." Stiles explained keeping a empathic tone. Mandy looked at her. "I don't feel anything." She said. "Not all parents do at first." Stiles reassured her. "Stiles... I'm not a bad person. But... I can't raise her. I know you want her. I know she's a baby. I don't see her as nothing. I know she need a home where she will be loved, and cared for. And if I'm being honest, she will not get that from me. I don't want you to think I'm a abandoning her, cuz to me. It's like she was never mine." Mandy explained. "Thank you for telling me. I understand. They'll come to see us tomorrow about the custody. If this is what you want I understand but. Please think about it. I'm not saying that your being forced but... I just don't want you to regret this. Don't feel pressured one way or the other. Cause no Matter what you choose she will always have a home with me." He said. "I know she will. She deserves love. There's no lack of that from you." Mandy chuckled. "Get some rest. Sleep. Your body needs it." Stiles smirked. "Thank you stiles." She said . "Your welcome Mandy." He replied

In the end she signed over all her rights. He was sad but understood that this was for the best. Not only for the baby but for Mandy. They signed everything but her name. They couldn't figure one out. Now she was 8 weeks old and nameless. He just called her baby. He tried to think but nothing sounded right. One day while he was at work he got a call from Scott

"Stiles! I have great news!" Scott said excitedly

"What?" Stiles asked

"I'm getting married to Allison!" He said

"holy shit! Great man!" Stiles exclaimed

"It's happening in a week!" Scott said

"A week? Wow. Well im super excited!" He said

"I know but.... After everything.... We're sure." He said happily

"No I get it man." Stiles said

"But I'm calling you cause I want you to be my best man!" Scott said

"Best man? Really, you'd want me? Personally I think that's a terrible choice but I'm down!" He joked.

"Shut up man. Im glad your down. And don't worry. Your little girls invited too. I cant wait to meet her." Scott chuckled.

"Thanks Scott. When do I need to some down?" He asked.

"Is tomorrow good?" Scott asked?"

Stiles thought for a sec. "Yeah sure." He said.

"Great! I'm glad your down. It been forever since I've seen you in beacon hills. We've all missed you man." Scott said.

"I'll be tomorrow Scott. I've missed y'all too." He said.

They hung up and stiles went to his boss. Long story
Short. He got a week off. He pulled the baby out of daycare for a week and packed. "I know this is weird baby but I have a wedding. So we're gonna have to go... fuck... I'm gonna need to buy you a good dress." He said to her. She cooed at him. "You can't wear white so don't even try. It's disrespectful to the bride baby. When we get there we'll figure out the theme and will buy you a dress they approve." He says. She's blows spit bubbles and babbles. " No it's not restricting, it's there wedding. And no offense but you get stuff all over your white clothes anyway." He says closing the suitcase. She babbles and spits. "Now your just being rude" he says before picking her up and grabbing the suit case. "Let's go." He put her in the back seat he had installed in the jeep and put the suitcase in. "Well let's head out baby." He said before starting the car.

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