A Salty Start

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Y/n didn't like to think of herself as someone who got intimidated easily but looking at the heavily fortified school, her stomach started to get nervous butterflies and not the good kind. Aizawa had told her that UA would be the perfect place for her, a fresh start. But y/n didn't want a fresh start. She just wanted a start. A start on a stable career, a start on her life, she wasn't here to make friends. She was here because... she needed to be.

Y/n took one last deep breath, filling herself with fake confidence (fake it till you make it baby), and took her first steps onto the campus.

Immediately y/n could sense the wonder this place held. Kids were running around, fighting, talking, and giggling with each other as they all caught up with what happened over each person's vacation. Everyone's quirks were amazing, just by looking around y/n could tell how much potential each student had to become an amazing hero.

Another thing about the students is that you could very clearly tell who the first years were and who weren't. While all the newcomers looked like they were about to shit their pants, the older classmen held their heads high with the confidence that can only be built up after going through your first year of high school.

Not that y/n had any right to judge the first years. Sure, she felt as though she was faking her confidence pretty well... but she was still a nervous wreck. Like c'mon, her entire life was spent being experimented on and tortured until about three years ago. Y/n hasn't even been to a normal school. She felt as though it was all a fever dream.

But it wasn't, this was real. And y/n reminded herself of that as she smoothed out her uniform on the way to class. Aizawa had told her that he made sure she would be placed in his class so that gave her some reassurance. Now if only she could find out where 2A was...

Just as she was pulling out her phone to look at a map of the school she felt a hard shove on her shoulder, her phone being knocked out of her hand.

"Outta my way you damn extra," a blonde boy stated, not even looking back as he nearly stepped on the phone that he initially knocked to the ground.

"Hmm, yeah I bet you get all the ladies with that shitty attitude," mumbled y/n as she grabs her phone off the floor. Thank God, no cracks. Y/n did NOT want to have to pay for a new screen after only the first day of school.

The boy that ran into her stopped in his tracks. Shit, The fucker must've heard me. Y/n thought to herself. Stay cool, stay cool, don't get into a fight this early in the morning or else you'll have hell to pay with Aizawa later. Just stay cool and deny that you said anything.

The blonde porcupine turned around revealing a very unsettling scowl as he made his way back over to y/n. He was strong. Even through his uniform, you could tell that he worked out daily. And he was tall. As he walked up to Y/n she realized that he could tower over her. Or maybe that was just because she was nervous. Either way, she could not let him know that he intimidated her.

She stood up tall and placed her hand on her hip, head held high, ready for anything he had to say to her.

Y/n waited for him to stop walking as he got closer but he didn't. In fact, he had simply walked right past her, not even giving her a second glance.

Standing there in utter confusion, Y/n didn't know whether or not to be relieved, or annoyed. On one hand, this meant that she could avoid getting into any trouble, but on the other the first interaction she had with some was her being completely ignored and Y/n wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that either.

Y/n turned around to see what was oh-so-important enough to ignore her and she realized that the blonde was going over to a very excited redhead who wrapped his arm around the angry one's shoulder. Oh.

Well, ok then, I guess he just didn't hear me.

Y/n decided that it was best to simply let go of the whole situation and just find her way to class. No need to embarrass herself more than she already has.


Eventually, after a lot of searching, and some help from a very sweet campus supervisor, y/n was able to get herself into her new class. Yup, this was it. Class 2A was filled with the people she was going to be spending the next two years of her life with. The group of people who have already gotten the chance to become super close friends and probably don't want to talk to her. No biggy, just like she reminded herself before, she wasn't here to make friends, so there was no reason to be nervous right?

Entering the class y/n was met with a very loud and chaotic arrangement of teens. They were all chatting, yelling, and showing off what they did over break but before y/n could inspect the class any further her thought process was disrupted by a familiar voice.

"I gather you found your way alright then Y/N?"

Y/n glanced at the front of the classroom and her eyes met with those of her mentors. Aizawa, looking as tired as ever, bundled up in a yellow sleeping bag... on the floor. So he's like this at work too huh?

"If you count managing to get lost three times in ten minutes as getting here alright then yes,"

"You could have just used your quirk, would have made it much faster"

"Maybe, but you know how lazy that shit makes me feel, besides, I met a very nice supervisor lady that helped me, so, from that perspective,  I say it was a success anyways "

"Ahh, well, you get used to this hellhole of a maze soon enough," he replied, "But now is not the time to get into all of that,". He Sat up and the conversations in the class magically shut up and when Y/n looked over at the class she realized that she was the only one not sitting in a seat. How the fuck did they all sit down so fast? Is Aizawa secretly the most terrifying teacher on campus and y/n just had no idea? Well actually, she has some ideas. She's seen that man fight before and wow can he be scary as fuck.

"Welcome back class, to another exciting year at UA," Aizawa paused to take a quick yawn before starting up again. "As you can all probably see, we have a new student joining us today. This is Y/n," he stated motioning back at her. "While she may be new, do not underestimate her, despite coming here later than what is normal she earned her spot just like you did so I expect you all to respect her and welcome her as part of the class. With that being said, Y/n your seat will be right next to Bakugo. Bakugo, please raise your hand."

Y/n looked over at the class to see which one went by the name of Bakugo when the realization hit her. The one with the now raised hand was the same boy who had run into her earlier. Oh for fucks sake, seriously? Of all the goddamn people...

Y/n walks over to her new desk as the others watch, muttering to others, wondering who she is and why she is there. I can fucking hear you all, I'm not fucking deaf. She looked over at the one they called Bakugo and caught him glaring at her, studying her as if he was trying to figure out her every weakness.

And Y/n glared right back. If this mother fucker was going to be rude on her very first day of school then maybe he will like a taste of his own medicine. She looked him up and down and rolled her eyes, knowing that it was always successful at getting under people's skins and it seemed like she was right.

"Oh, you little..." Bakugo sat up and faced directly toward her, the palm of hands hands faced up but before he could say anything Aizawa spoke up.

"Okay everybody, time to take a trip down memory lane. Get your PE clothes on and meet me outside. Let's see how much you've been training over your break,"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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