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There are times where we can't find enough words to explain what we want to. It's like being blocked out. There are also times where we have a lot to say and we don't know anymore where to begin. That's what I am feeling right now. My words are jumbled on my notes. I have so much words in my mind, yet I can't choose what to say first.

This is all about my life realizations. These past few months have been an eye-opening for me. I had so many things to deal with and now that some things were done, my mind and heart are making conclusions.

Well, we all know that there will come a time that these things that happened and keeps on happening to us will come back like a boomerang. And when it comes back, it will be more of a realization.

Some people wanted their lives to be spontaneous. But no matter how we wanted things to be, it won't be that way. Because that's life. It is designed to be a one wild ride. People may wish their lives to be just the way it was. They say "it is not like how it was before." But there's no such thing. Life can just move forward. And that's the reason why we have a so-called "lessons." The happenings from the past will remain from the past that serve as lessons. Lessons which we look forward to, to be able to move forward. We can look back just to remind us that we made it. We are strong. We are capable.

The most important of all the realizations I had were the people I used to have. I may say that my life before is almost perfect. But it is hard to settle with the people around me when I already knew what these people did to me. It is a life-changing experience. A never-ending pain. It is hard to forgive. But I chose to do it just for my peace of mind. There's no need to talk to them, because the only thing that will happen is for them to defend themselves. As long as I know the real me, no one can ever tear me apart. I thank these people for hurting me, they made me tough.

Janela Elein D.B.
31 MAR '23

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