Chapter 12: The Legend of the Valkyries

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As Jackson and Maria looked around the room, they could sense that something was off. There was an air of secrecy and tension, as if the people in the room were hiding something from them. But they didn't want to cause any trouble, so they kept their guard up and continued to observe.

Dr. Smith noticed the tension and decided to break the silence. "You're probably wondering why you're here," he said. "Well, I have something to show you."

He led them to a room at the back of the dome, and as they entered, Jackson and Maria gasped in awe. The room was filled with ancient artifacts and weapons, all of which looked like they belonged to another time.

Dr. Smith picked up a sword and handed it to Jackson. "This belonged to a Valkyrie," he said. "And these," he gestured to the other weapons in the room, "were used to fight against the Apocalypse."

Jackson and Maria exchanged a confused glance. "What do you mean?" Maria asked.

Dr. Smith took a deep breath before explaining. "The Valkyries were a legendary group of female warriors who fought against the end of the world. They were chosen by the gods to protect humanity from the apocalypse."

Maria's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's just a myth," she said.

Dr. Smith shook his head. "No, it's real. And I have reason to believe that the apocalypse that the Valkyries were fighting against is the same one that we are facing now."

Jackson and Maria were taken aback by this revelation. They had always assumed that the apocalypse was a natural disaster or a result of human actions. But the idea that it was part of some mythological prophecy was almost too much to believe.

As they continued to explore the room, Jackson and Maria found themselves drawn to each other. They couldn't deny the chemistry between them, and as they looked into each other's eyes, they knew that something special was beginning to form.

But as they were about to explore this new connection, a loud banging came from outside the dome. Dr. Smith's face went pale, and he turned to Jackson and Maria. "We have to leave. Now."

As they made their way out of the dome, Jackson and Maria could see that the situation was much worse than they had realized. A group of heavily armed men had surrounded the dome, and they were closing in fast.

Dr. Smith looked at them gravely. "I need you to take these," he said, handing them a bag of weapons. "They might come in handy."

Jackson and Maria took the bag and followed Dr. Smith outside. They knew that they were in for a fight, and they were ready to do whatever it took to survive.

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