The 'Cheater' incident

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Step 1: It's valentines day
Step 2: Wake up and brush your teeth
Step 3: Go to the gorcery store
Step 4: Get chocolates and flowers
Mike: "Diane is going to love this!"
Step 5: Buy them
Cashier: "Thank you sir, you going on a date?"
Protag: Yes, with my girlfriend.
Cashier: Alright just be careful she doesn't cheat on you, like everyone does every year on valentines to. . ."
Mike: "Don't only scumbags with no heart do that?"
Cashier: Just saying, happy valentines day sir.
Mike: You too buddy.
Step 6: Arrive at the park
Step 7: Wait for her
Step 8: You see her coming and about to walk towards her when. . . .
Mike: "Hey, Diane, I-"
Step 9: You stop
Step 10: She's with another guy
Step 11: Watch as she kisses his cheek and walks away with him to a restaurant. . .
Mike: "Diane, I loved you but. . . . You didn't . . . ?"
Step 12: Go home
Step 13: Go to your bedroom
Step 14: Cry untill you fall asleep
Step 15: Eat breakfast
[The TV turns on]
Reporter: Breaking news, a girl has been found with with lower half of her body nowhere to be seen, if you know or think who did this, contact 911, stay safe everyone.
Step 16: Your shocked but shrug it off as coincidence
Step 17: Go to work
Boss: Where the hell were you?
Mike: Sorry, I had a bad valentines day yesterday and I'm abit slow on enthusiasm right now boss.
Boss: That's okay, I know how it feels.
Mike: Thank you. .
Boss: No problem, now get to work.
Step 18: Mop the floors
Step 19: You see a girl who is similar to your girlfriend, but with red eyes and raven black hair.
Step 20: You remembered your girlfriend had brown hair and green eyes
Step 21: Strike a conversation with the girl
Mike: Hi.
???????: Hello?
Mike: How's your day?
???????: Quite bullshit, my boyfriend broke up with me for my sister, on valentines day!
Mike: Yeah mine too, so what's your name?
???????: I'm Dolores, you must be Mike? My father's the boss basically.
Mike: Yeah I'm Mike, nice to meet you Dolores!
Dolores: Nice you meet you too Mike!
Mike: Wanna play some Pokémon after work?
Dolores: Sure, you play Pokémon Violet?
Mike: Yeah!
Dolores: Good, see you after work Mike.
Mike: You too Dolores.
Step 22: Continue the work
Boss: So you met one of my daughters?
Mike: Yeah, she's quite cool.
Boss: Thank you, goodbye Mike, see you tomorrow.
Step 23: Go home and grab your switch
Step 24: Get to know Dolores alot through gaming
[Afew hours, Time: 00:05AM]
Dolores: Hey want to see something really entertaining?
Mike: Sure thing, what is it?
Step 25: You get the text and look at it
Step 26: It's a picture of a pair of legs. . . .
Dolores: Remember them?
Mike: Is this a prank?
Dolores: No, want to see another?
Step 27: Another picture but Diane's upper body. . . .
Mike: Is that. . . -
Dolores: Diane? Yes it is, daddy said I could do anything I want, so I took killing cheaters as a hobby!
Step 28: Dolores moves her phone to a corner where a man's corpse lays
Dolores: Charlie couldn't help but want Emma instead of me, so I didn't help him when he bled out once I plunged a knife in his guts!
Mike: What the fuck!?
Step 29: Hang up and call 911
911 operator: 911, what's your emergency?
Mike: Hello 911, I found out who murdered Diane Wilkson, It's-
Step 30: A tap at your window
Step 31: Investigate
Step 32: Dolores is at your window with a hack-saw
Step 33: Scream
911 operator: Sir? Don't worry, we'll find your address and-
Step 34: The phone battery died
Step 35: Dolores climbs through the window
Dolores: You know my secret and I want you to work with me. . .
Mike: Why?
Dolores: You said YOUR girlfriend cheated on you, so why not join me and be partners in crime?
Step 36: Think about it
Mike: Alright, I'll join you Dolores. .
Dolores: Good, I like to hear that!
Step 37: She gives you a knife
Step 38: Kiss her on the cheek
Dolores: Shall we go find that man who Diane cheated on you with?
Mike: Yes!
Step 39: Go with Dolores
[In the morning]

. . . . . The 'cheater' incident. . . .

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