Chapter 8

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*at the apartment*

At the apartment Hatchet was drinking coffe when he checked his answering machine 'you have one new message' "Hey it's me Jack, could you meet us at the safe house at 14:00" He said

*at the safehouse*

At the safehouse Hatchet met with the others "we're gonna need some cash" Jack said "The bank down the street got some cash" Scar said "what security we looking at?" Hatchet asked "a camera out front and possibly a guard inside" Scar replied "let's go" Hatchet said before going to the car and driving to the bank. After getting to the bank Hatchet went inside "everyone get down" Hatchet said as he entered the bank "empty the register" He said while pointing his gun at the teller when someone else entered the bank "what are you doing here?" He asked "I'm robbing the bank" Hatchet replied "but I'm robbing the bank" he said and someone else entered "are both of you also robbing the bank?" He asked "Lets all rob the bank" Hatchet said, after getting the money he needed he left the bank "any trouble?" Scar asked "Nothing big just some others robbing the bank" Hatchet replied

*later at the bar*

At the bar they were talking about the heist when some gangsters tried shooting them in a drive by "we need to do something about this" Jack said getting up from behind the bar counter "you got a phone?" Hatchet asked the bar tender "pay phone in the back" he replied, Hatchet went to the pay phone and called the gangs leader "(in Spanish) stop trying to kill me or I will kill you and the rest of your gang you bastard" Hatchet said before hanging up

Hatchet before freelanceWhere stories live. Discover now