Chapter three

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Chapter 3

I can't sleep. Y/n's journal- well Evelyn's journal, has been plaguing my mind. For the life of me I can't understand why there was a statue of Caleb and.. Belos, in Gravesfield. They were witch hunters, not heroes. That's what this journal says 'my name's Evelyn and I can't draw my eyes away from these two witch hunters, bla bla bla, they might kill me but oH nO I'm just so iN lOvE with the blonde one.' 

I hate her. It's her fault Belos found the boiling isles. If it wasn't for her luring Caleb away then Belos would never have followed. I roll onto my side, staring at the crack between the floor and the teal sofa Gus is snoring on. I'm glad one of us can sleep I guess. Stupid Evelyn, stupid Caleb, stupid Belos.

My fingers tap relentlessly against the scroll placed next to my mattress. It doesn't exactly work here. I can load penstagram but I can't refresh my feed so all I can see is Darius's last photo, one of him and Eberwolf and Raine standing by a pretty little pond. I remember being ecstatic when Darius finally let me follow him. He said it was only because he needed my contact encase anything went wrong during the day of unity but I don't think that was the case- he commented on some of my photos and sent me a message asking how my day was going and how Flapjack was. I miss him most I think. 

Sure Eber and Raine were there for me, but not how Darius had been. Darius had given me sewing lessons and made a futile attempt to comfort me when Belos kicked y/n out the castle. I'm surprised there are things about the Boiling Isles that I miss. I hated most of my life there, and the one reason I don't hate it anymore is here with me anyways. But I miss the early morning sun, just rising over the horizon. It's different here, the houses block it from view. And I miss the sounds of the exhausted scouts returning from missions in the late hours of the night, feeling smug that I wasn't them. And of course I miss Hexide, I only spent a few days there but they were some of my favourite days. I could spend my time as slowly as I wanted to, spending days just talking and being with the people I care about most.

I roll over again, staring at the ceiling. Luz placed a ton of glow in the dark stars over it. I can't exactly sleep in total darkness anymore, not after spending every night lying awake in the emperor's coven, afraid I was going to be attacked in the dark. The stars are comforting, one of the only pretty things in the human world.

That's not entirely true, I love the book Gus gave me- Captain Avery has just managed to fix the ship but he's hiding it from everyone because he doesn't want them to go back home where they'll all be separated. Oh and Camila's sewing contraption she promised to show me. I'll have so much stuff to show Darius when I get back- if... I get back.

I finally allow my eyes to slip close, the next few minutes go by agonizingly slowly, why is it that the more you try to sleep, the harder it becomes? Every time I shift even the slightest bit, the mattress makes a noise that's sure to wake Gus, (it doesn't but that's besides the point), and it's starting to get slightly uncomfortable. Too hot but too cold if I remove any blankets.

I shove a pillow over my face, muffling an annoyed groan. That's when I hear the yell. Unmistakably, it's y/n. My ears perk up, mind spinning into overdrive. Are they alright? What's going on? I knew Camila shouldn't have left them in a room by themself, it's too dangerous in the human realm they need someone looking out for them and-

"H-Hunter?" Gus yawns, rubbing his eyes, "what was that?" His eyes flicker to the glowing red of the alarm clock, it's reading 2:47. His eyes narrow in frustration, "too late let me sleep." 

I ignore him, leaping to my feet, golden guard instincts kicking in. Practically sprinting, I reach the stairs, forcing myself up them two at a time, Flapjack turns into a staff in my hands and the adrenaline spurs me on.
"Hunter what are you doing?" Gus' distant voice drifts in the air, but I'm too lost in my thoughts to register it. I know y/n hasn't been coping well here, no matter what they tell me. And- and if something's wrong it's going to make them feel even worse about this place. 

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