The Letters

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(No One's POV)

It was another day, and Marie is counting down the days until she left for good. She was going to apply to some colleges. Maybe get a scholarship if Marie was lucky. She spent all her free time studying the best she could, so she could move out into a dorm. Marie would have a job, but her aunt and uncle did not let her have one. She still mowed lawns and shoveled drives to save up all her money. Putting it in one of her old panties wrapped up so duddly would not steal it. He used to do that a lot. Even though his parents give him anything he wants. She stands from the table as her uncle tells her to get the mail. She looks through them, hoping to get a college letter. Some schools may be interested in her. Her eyes land on a letter to her. It looked like a schooling letter but from a place she never heard of.

She goes into the dining room and begins to open it. That is when Duddly stands up. The horrible little troll he was.

"DAD! Look, Marie has got a letter!" He says, yanking it out of her hand.

"Hey! Give that back!" Marie says. "It is m-mine!"

"Yours?" Vernon asks. "Who would be writing to you?"

They wore smug smirks as they read the letter, their faces slowly turning to shock, slowly looking up at Marie, who stood there. Whatever it was, it was clear they weren't a fan. It did not end there. Still, every day more and more letters came. As if multiplying. Vernon even screwed a plank of wood on the door. Still, the letters continue to come. The owls started stalking their home at this point. Vernon took to burning the letters, Even in front of Marie. Marie grew more resentful of them. They were keeping someone who clearly wanted to get in touch with her from her. She was annoyed and angry. Finally, Sunday came, and Marie was serving them cakes.

"Fine day Sunday. In my opinion, the best day of the week. Why is that, Dudley?" Vernon asked as Dudley shrugged. Marie looked at Vernon.

"Because there's no post on Sunday?"

"Ah, right you are, Marie. No post on Sunday. Ha! No blasted letters today. No, sir. Not one single bloody letter, not one." He laughed as Marie stared at the owl's fleeting shadow. "No, sir, not one blasted, miserable-" a letter suddenly shoots out of the fireplace, hitting Vernon in the face, and cutting him off. This was the calm before the storm as hundreds of letters began to shoot out as the family screamed, and Narie raced to the middle of the room- grabbing at the letters with a wide smile

She jumped in the air and grabbed a letter. She then made her way to run to the cupboard!


He grabs her by the waist and manhandles her to the ground on him as she struggles.

"L-Let go! They're my letters! Le-Let G-GO!" She screamed.

Vernon ignored her and held her in place. "That is it! We are going! Going far away! Where they cannot find us!" He shouts.

"Daddy has gone mad, hasn't he," Duddly says.

Petunia gave a look like, yes, yes he had.

So here they were in some lighthouse-like home far away from Privet Drive, with Marie spending her birthday on the wooden floor. She wrote her cake and name on the ground of the wooden floor covered with soot.

She then looks at Duddly's watch, and it strikes midnight. "Happy Birthday, Marie make a wish!" She blows out the 'candles' and wishes she knew what was in that letter.

Suddenly, the door thumps right as the thunder cracks in the sky, causing Marie to jump. The door thumps again, this time, Dudley and Marie jump up and back away. Marie hides behind a wall, and Dudley huddles against a windowsill. Petunia comes down ina. Nightgown and rollers while Vernon is in his pajamas holding a double barrel gun.

"Who's there?" He demands. The door bangs again as it came off the hinges, causing Vernon to exclaim as a large towering man stood in the doorway.

It was silent as the man bent down and ducked under into the doorway, entering the home before speaking.

"Sorry 'about that." He says, picking up the door and resting it on the doorframe.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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