Taylor West is the epitome of self-reliance. Or she must be. Relationships are fickle. Despite finally enrolling in her dream studies and thriving in them, her social life is only skin-deep. When she finds out that her so-called boyfriend is a selfi...
Rolling over, I forced my eyelids open. The early morning light cast intricate patterns across my blanket. My alarm clock read six a.m. Why the hell was I awake at this hour? I sank back onto the pillow, my eyes closing on their own accord. I could use at least five more hours of sleep.
The jarring sound of the doorbell pierced through my drowsy haze. My eyes snapped open. Who in the world rang the doorbell at six in the morning—I checked my phone—without so much as calling me first?
I got to my feet and suppressed a groan, my sore muscles protesting with the slightest movement. I opened the door and shuffled into the dimly lit living room when the doorbell rang again. Jeez. Impatient much?
I peered through the peephole and suddenly, I was wide awake. There was nothing to see. As if somebody had covered it with tape.
The doorbell chimed again.
I jumped back, my hands on my mouth, stifling a yelp. My pulse raced. Who would ring my doorbell at six in the morning?
I tip-toed back to my room and snatched my phone. As if Suz had read my mind, my phone buzzed, her name flashing across the screen.
"Hey," I said breathlessly. "I was just about to—"
"Tay," Suz sobbed.
I straightened. "What? What happened?"
I was halfway back to the front door when her next words made me stop in my tracks. "I'm on my way to the airport," she managed to press out. "My mom had an accident. I just got the news. I—they said she stabilized but..."
I dashed back into my bedroom. "Shit. I can pack a bag and be there in—"
"No. No," she quickly cut me off. "Nick is with me. I just wanted to let you know. My aunt and uncle are already there, and my cousin is going to pick me up. I'm just... It just came out of nowhere you know?"
"It's going to be fine." I gripped my phone more tightly. "Focus on getting there first, okay? And let me know as soon as you land."
"Okay..." I heard Nick's voice in the background. Then the call was silent before his voice filled my ear. "Tay?"
"Ah. Yes?"
"I'm gonna keep you updated about the situation. It doesn't sound like she's in critical condition, but we will know when we get there. Don't worry about Suz, I got her. Suz just wanted to let you know."
"Thanks, Nick," I said and sank onto the edge of my bed.
"She'll call you later."
He hung up. I blinked a few times, feeling numb. The apartment was quiet, so I rechecked the peephole. The cover was gone. I could see Sofia's door on the other side of the hall. There was nobody else. I held my breath and waited at least five minutes. When nothing happened, I unlocked the door but kept the security chain in place. Another minute passed. I opened the door fully and peered into the hallway.
Of course.
My fingers hurt from clenching around the handle. A small package waited atop my doormat.
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