
420 7 19

light smut warning

story for  Annalyn375

Phantasmagoria: A series of real or imaginary images like those seen in a dream.

The Thousand Sunny was a beast of a ship. Led by its fearless captain and tireless crew, they had yet to encounter someone who could bring it down. All across the globe, people feared the name of this ship and the people it carried. When they thought of the Straw Hat Pirates, they saw the face of an evil man, 6ft tall and lined with muscle, blood dripping from his fists and a straw hat perched menacingly atop his head. At his side was a woman, beautiful and cunning, face set in stone and a baton in her hand. Behind the pair were two hulking figures, one dressed in a suit, a lit cigarette dangling from his mouth, the other wearing a kimono that exposed his jacked frame, three swords hanging threateningly from his side. The rest of the crew stood behind these monsters, each of them more deadly than a thousand naval officers. Evil, merciless, cunning, powerful, that was how the world saw the straw hat pirates. 

Presently, they were scattered around the ship, appearing to be the happiest, most care free group on the sea. The swordsman, supposedly blood thirsty, lay fast asleep in the sun. Their chief was humming to himself as he laboured away in the kitchen, ever loyal to his crew. Their doctor was perched on the lap of the so-called demon child, who was reading him a story written long before their time. Their captain was also present, although the words coming out of his archaeologists mouth seemed to be skilfully dodging his rubbery ears. He didn't dare move though, as his beloved navigator was curled up beside him with her head on his lap.  Much as he adored the contact, it came with a price. One wrong move and he would wake the sleeping woman, and that always resulted in a massive headache. This really changed nothing, as the captain never thought that far ahead.

Brook and Jinbe were immersed in an intense game of chess down in the boys room, completely in the zone. A silence surrounded them, so thick it seemed as though it required physical strength to breathe it in. Brook lifted his left hand and moved his bishop to put Jinbe into check. A faint crease appeared on the fishmans brow, and a bead of sweat trickled down Brooks flesh-less maw. 

Franky had come up with a new way to improve Usopp's slingshot, and they were working on making bullets that could puncture pretty much anything. Their end goal was to have a sharp tipped projectile that could be used on any enemy, especially devil fruit users. Once the skin had been broken, a supposedly deadly neurotoxin would be injected into the blood, paralysing and eventually killing the victim. It was a project they had been working on for quite some time, and they had been planning to surprise the crew with the discovery once it was complete. Presently, they had developed several prototypes, and after extensive study had narrowed it down to one. The pair looked at each other and nodded, loading the bullet. 

It had been decided earlier that Usopp, as the sniper, should be the first to test fire the bullet. If it was successful, Franky would build it into his iron body and add another deadly weapon to his artillery. On the far wall was a dart board, one they had set up for target practice. Taking a steadying breath, Usopp raised the gun and counted down in his head.





Back in the lounge, Robin had finished her story. She gently laid it down before her and turned to her captain.

"What did you think captain? How did you find the use of older vocabulary?"

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