Chapter 2

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He had lost track of time. It wasn't his fault though. The chemicals fogging his brain along with the woman sitting in his lap made him lose track of time. Before he knew it he had an hour before school started, and his drug induced state wasn't going anywhere any time soon. What should he do? He could call Aizawa and say he was sick... But what if he came to check on him? Aizawa wasn't oblivious, he would know Izuku was high out of his mind.. which also left going to class a useless option. But what else was he supposed to do? It seemed his best bet would be to call in sick and hope Aizawa or any other if his teachers didn't bother to come check up on him. Before he had anymore time to think someone knocked on his door.
"Deku? Are you ready for class? It's going to start soon!" It was Uraraka. Putting on the best sick act he could manage.
"I'm sorry Uraraka. I'm not feeling good. Do you think you tell Aizawa for me?"
"On no! Of course I can. I'll make sure to bring you your homework from today. Is there anything I can get you before I leave?" Good. She bought it. They're all so gullible towards his lies.
"Thank you Uraraka, and I don't think so. Hope you have a good day."
"I.. ok. If you say so Deku. I hope you feel better soon." As he heard her walking away he let out a sigh of relief. What should he do with his free time today? He knew it was risky but he wanted to be at the very top of cloud nine again. Besides, what were the chances that Aizawa would actually check on him? After all, having a reputation as a good and innocent kid pays off. Especially in times like this. Having made up his mind he got off his bed and headed to the wall with his All Might posters in them. Carefully peeling one of them off the  he reached into the small hole that was behind it before bringing out a small bag and putting the poster back in its spot. In his hands he had his holy grail, the thing that made him stick on cloud nine the highest, his saving grace, cocaine. With the bag in his hand he walked back over to his desk and sat it down. Picking up one of his All Might figurines he flipped it moved to reveal a false bottom. Opening up he shook the contents out onto the desk. A few ecstasy pills, a tab of acid, and a dollar bill tainted white. He made a b-line for the bill. He'd take the other things later but as of right now he needed to extinguish his craving for his holy grail. He couldn't wait any longer. It was like the cocaine was calling his name. In a hurry he produced four messy lines of cocaine, and without any hesitation he snorted them through the dollar bill he had rolled up. He threw his head back after he was finished, almost as if to make sure not a speck of it was wasted. Before he had any time to think, someone knocked on his door.

(554 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2023 ⏰

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