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Ugh.. I woke up with my head throbbing "ghm wtf what happe-AH WTF WHO TF ARE YOU?!? " I screamed as I saw a girl laying beside me smiling at me flirtatiously

"aww you don't remember what happened last night babe?well you made me bend over and-WTF GET OUT AND I DON'T EVEN HAVE A GIRLFRIEND SO GET OUT!! " screaming my lungs out while she hurried out of bed tears in her eyes and quickly dressed herself and after she was done she ran to the door wearing her heels in a hurry and left.

I don't even date girls, while I was spacing out I got a call from my friend taehyun, "Yah choi soobin you slept with another girl?! You should stop that habit. "
"Yeah yeah anyways why'd you call me? "
"Oh you have a race later and guess who's challenging you to the match! "
"Who? "
"It's Jay! Guess something spicy is gonna happen!! "

"Tsk him? He's an ant compared to me ha oh let's hang out, meet me at the new mall "

"Sure I'll go change see you there"

Now let's get ready.


After I got ready I went down stairs to meet the maids preparing breakfast for me since my parents died 7 years ago on an accident I walked straight to the garage holding my car key "Sir.Choi what about you breakfast? "
"I'll eat out. " I said coldly rolling my eyes because I know she just wants to be in my bed.

YJ Pov:

Well I guess I'm a strawberry head from now on "I look ridiculous?! It looks like a child pick this hair color eck "

"Was it that uh obvious? Hehe"
"I told you it was obvious kai! "

"YOU'RE the insane one between us three hyung"gyu said while my head was boiling because of them ugh why'd I be friend them?
" yow what let's go shopping for abit in this new mall and maybe get some coffee! "
I guess so"sure hbu kai?"
"Oh Ofc since gyu suggested it he'll pay HAHAH! "Maybe be friending them wasn't that bad while I laugh at their chaotic fight

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