ch 3

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Namjoon: Nice to meet you again, baby girl.

Y/n: you!!!

Namjoon: yes babygirl it's me  how are you(smirking at her)

Y/n: Please leave me. I didn't know that you were mafia

Namjoon: You have to pay for it

Namjoon got a call from Kai

[on call]

Kai: Leave her, you Bastard

Namjoon: Hello, my dear enemy

 Kai: Where are you? I will kill you if you did anything to her !!

Namjoon: wanna talk to her for last time 

Kai: Give her mobile

Y/n: Baby, save me from him (started crying)

Kai: Don't worry, baby, I'm coming. I will save you. Don't be scared, ok relax. I'm coming

Y/n:  Come fast, they are scary

Namjoon: Come to my mansion and see what I will do with your love

Kai: I'm coming and don't dare to touch her( he shouted)

[call ends]

At the mansion:::

Namjoon pulls you out of the car and dragged you inside the mansion, and you are crying very hard. Please leave me. You are saying this again and again. While seeing you crying like this, he came closer to you and pulled your waist and said, "Cry baby girl, cry, I love it." The distance between you and him is only 1 inch. You pushed him back and said 

Y/n: Stay away from me. You are a beast...

Namjoon has been controlling himself for a long time, but this time, he slaps you and

fell on the ground. Your lips are bleeding.

Namjoon: enough you are crossing your limits. I'm your owner and you have to do everything which I will say

Y/n: You son of bitch........ leave meeeee

Y/n in mind

(Kai please come fast and save me)

Kai came to Namjoon's mansion

Kai: namjoon. Where are you!!!

When you heard his voice. You got up from the ground and try to run to him but Namjoon pulls you back. and hug you from back ...

Namjoon:-so you are here.  See , Today I have taken your most precious thing from you.  I won this game 

Kai: namjoon I will give you anything but leave her. My all business and property will be yours but just leave her.

Namjoon:now  I don't need your money and all.  I want your girl. I will make her my maid and a sex toy who will give me pleasure.

Kai becomes very angry and tries to slap Namjoon but his guards stop him

Namjoon: see you are helpless y/n even the love of your life doesn't save you from me

Namjoon is touching your face and  your neck you are feeling disgust  from his touches and you are trying to escape from his grinb but he is more stronger than you 

Kai: namjoon please  don't touch her (crying)

Namjoon see who is begging from me begg  more kai this is your real place

  Namjoon come closer to your face and kissed you roughly. You hissed in pain Seeing you in this condition Kai's heart break into millions of pieces

Kai pushes one of his guards and takes his gun out and points it at Namjoon's head and shouted

"Namjoon I will kill you how dare you touch my girl"



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