i. shifting for dummies ᯓ★

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reality shifting is described as "the spiritual practice of "transferring" or "shifting" one's awareness to a fictional universe or a parallel universe."

also known as shifting, reality switching, quantum jumping, moving realities etc. 

you can shift anywhere, any time period, to be anybody. as long as you have an intention, you can do it. ive seen people shift to harry potter, dsmp, my hero academia, bts, and more, and even drs like parent drs, fame drs, streamer drs, college drs etc. anything you can imagine exists.

all sources at the bottom.

★ some terms are commonly used for shifting (shifting community)

dr: desired reality (the reality you intend to shift to)

cr: current reality (the reality you currently reside in)

wr: waiting room (see below)

or: original reality

fc: face claim (a person you script that looks like you/similar to you in your dr)

vc: voice claim (a voice you script that sounds like you/similar to you in your dr)

★ how can shifting realities even exist?

shifting relies on the multiverse theory, mostly. multiverse theory suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one. Instead, there may be an entirely different universe, distantly separated from ours — and another, and another. Indeed, there may be an infinity of universes, all with their own laws of physics, their own collections of stars and galaxies (if stars and galaxies can exist in those universes), and maybe even their own intelligent civilizations.

think.. spiderman into the spiderverse. or vice versa, if you're into thai BL.

everything in these alternate realities is just as real as this reality. you can see, touch, smell, hear everything, experience everything like its real (because it is). its not dreaming or lucid dreaming (common misconception), or hallucinating/delusions. its simply a spiritual belief that one may have.

★ shifting can be used for a variety of things, such as 

-just for fun (e.g to meet comfort 'characters', get to live new experiences etc)

- for escapism (defined as "mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life, typically through activities involving imagination or entertainment. Escapism also may be used to occupy one's self away from persistent feelings of depression or general sadness.")

- or for spiritual/religious reasons. 

shifting is included in some parts of certain religions, such as hinduism and buddhism. this doesnt mean that all hindus/buddhists practise shifting, it is simply a concept that is explored or mentioned in said religions. ive seen hindus and buddhists agree and disagree, i myself am a muslim so if anything i say is incorrect, please lmk !!

★ safe words? time? SCRIPTS?!

what is a safe word? or safe action?  Safeword is the word which we use in our desired realities to come back to our current reality. You can write a safeword in your script and when you are in your desired reality, you can focus on your Safeword and your current reality to come back to your CR. I think its just a way of telling your subconsciousness that you want to come back to your CR and by using Safeword we also believes that we can get back to our CR.

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