iii. scripting ᯓ★

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what is a script? 

a script is an outline of your dr. you can write it down on paper, online etc or it can even just be in your head. you dont need a script to shift. You can write your script anywhere and you can be as detailed as you want. You can also add visuals of how it looks in your dr. But as I already said, you don't need a script, because your subconscious knows where you want to shift.

some people use script templates but the trick is to be satisfied with your script. i know i have peace of mind when my script looks pretty and complete.

templates help to make your script more aesthetic easier. 


what do i include in my script?

like i mentioned before, you can add whatever you desire. need some tips to get you started? i got you. 

first of all, you want to include your basic information. aka;

⌗ ﹕ name (first, middle, last, nicknames)

⌗ ﹕ age, birthday, zodiac sign

⌗ ﹕ gender, sex, sexuality, pronouns

⌗ ﹕ height

⌗ ﹕  nationality (where youre born/have citizenship for

⌗ ﹕ ethnicity (where your family is from)

⌗ ﹕ race (what other people see you as e.g white, black, asian)

⌗ ﹕ birthplace, current city

⌗ ﹕ languages you know/learning

⌗ ﹕skills, hobbies, traits, habits

after that, you can include things like:

⌗ ﹕ face claim, voice claim, any other claims you like, like handwriting, singing, etc

⌗ ﹕ family, friends, romantic interests (aka s/os)

⌗ ﹕ wardrobe, items you own, hairstyles

⌗ ﹕ first shift-- what you're wearing, what you're doing/going to do, where you are

⌗ ﹕rules (below)

you also can add things that relate to your dr specifically. like if you're shifting to hogwarts, you can script your patronus, house, wand, blood status etc. things like that



what do you mean by rules?

when people say rules, they generally refer to the guidelines you want your dr to follow, for safety mostly. this involves things like your safe word, but also things like:

- inability to die or get injured heavily, same for your loved ones

- absence of things like homophobia, racism, war, global warming etc

- just anything, doesn't have to be life saving, but just stuff you want to include to make your dr more enjoyable, such as scripting that you don't have to wait in lines for a long time or that you never need to go to the bathroom at unfortunate times

you can find examples of this on places like tiktok, tumblr and youtube. just look up "things to script"

this can just be general rules, or specific to friends, family or romantic interests.

this links with scenarios.



scenarios are described in the dictionary as "an account or synopsis of a possible course of action or events." shifting wise, its basically the same thing. scenarios are things you script that will happen in your dr once you shift.

these, also, can be general, or be specific to certain people, family, friends, romantic interests, etc.

you can also look up "scenarios to script" on tiktok, tumblr, youtube and you should find stuff that fits. you can also script that you don't remember the scenarios you scripted, so they take you by surprise when they happen in your dr.

one day i'll add a chapter of just a bunch of scenarios and rules i added, or you can add, stay tuned ;) 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02 ⏰

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