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"The end"Felix said as he closed the book to his 2 sons.It was 10 years since the incident with Chrysalis.Felix would get up from his couch and go to the kitchen.Kagami would be cleaning the kitchen.Felix would kiss her on the cheek and open the fridge."Kids!It is time for dinner"Felix yelled as the kids ran downstairs and sat on the table.The oldest kid,Morgan had black hair with blue reflections like his mother with green eyes.The other kid Austin looked like Felix with Brown eyes like his mother Kagami."Mommy can we visit Aunt Marinette and Uncle Adrien"Morgan said in excitement."Sure"Kagami said.As they got in the car.Felix would look at the castle and thinking about everything.He would get in the car and they would drive off to visit Adrien,Marinette and their kids.THE END.

The Miracle Child's miracle.(Feligami) (Minor Adrienette)Where stories live. Discover now