Chapter 2: Welcome to Shujin

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As we rode in the car, Celestial's tired sigh filled the air in response to Eclipse's nonsensical question about a cucumber and a lion.

While they bickered, my gaze drifted out the window, where a mix of emotions swirled inside me. I felt both comfort and sadness, as memories of the accident that took my parents came flooding back.

How had I survived such a tragic event?

Clutching the moon-shaped necklace in my hand, I sought solace in its familiarity.

Celestial, sensing my troubled thoughts, glanced at me through the rearview mirror.

As the car pulled up to the front of Shujin Academics University, I couldn't help but feel a mix of nervousness and excitement. This was the start of a new chapter in my life, one where I would have to learn to be more independent and make new connections.

"Have you got your class schedule ready, Kita?" Celestial asked, bringing me back to reality.

I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket and opened the photo app to check my schedule. "ACAD is my first class, followed by English," I replied, feeling a bit more confident now that I had my schedule sorted.

Eclipse turned around to face me from his seat. "ACAD is a piece of cake, it's basically an introduction to college life. Perfect for a freshman like you," he said with a reassuring smile.

Celestial chimed in, reminding me of the importance of making new friends in college.

"Remember, you'll be an undergraduate for four years, so it's important to have a support system outside of us. And the university takes any type of harassment seriously, so don't hesitate to reach out for counseling if you need it."

He was right. I couldn't keep relying on them forever. It was time for me to step out of my comfort zone and start building a life for myself.

As we pulled up to the entrance of the university, I took a deep breath, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Thank you guys for everything." I said as I grabbed my belongings.

"Don't worry, its not like you won't be coming back home at the end of the day." Eclipse cheerfully exclaimed.

That's true. I didn't really apply for a dorm room since our house was only 20 minutes away. Plus, it helps to save money especially with the cost of tuition.

"You are right." I chuckled as I closed the door of the vehicle.

As I bid farewell to them, I took a moment to observe my new surroundings. The towering buildings and the murmur of unfamiliar voices around me created a small sense of disorientation.

Suddenly, my attention was drawn to a group of students huddled around a map on a nearby board.

Making my way towards them, I pulled out my phone and took a quick look at my class schedule.

"Let's see... ACAD is supposedly in this building," I murmured to myself, trying to locate it on the map.

I felt a sudden presence beside me as an unfamiliar voice spoke up.

"I take it you are also a freshman as well?"

As I shifted my gaze to the side, my eyes fell upon a strikingly handsome man with blonde hair, who appeared to be carrying a stylish suitcase.

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