Chapter 11

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Until the fateful date, the twenty-fifth day of the ninth month of this year two thousand and twenty-one, the Italian girl stayed at her best friend's house to keep her company, and prevent her from falling back into a vicious circle. Every morning, Alba prepared breakfast for them, then they ate it in front of the cartoons they used to watch when they were little, before going to get ready, then going for a walk in the park next to her house, before lunch, and working in the afternoon. This program was repeated for a week.

A week that the Spanish began to accept, to realize, what had really happened.


The two friends got dressed and set off for the clinic that would take care of this engineer. The drive was silent, without a word from either woman. Aria had spent all this time with her head against the window, staring into space.

The entrance in the clinic was difficult for Aria, who still had difficulty to realize what she was about to do.

- Hello, we have an appointment on behalf of Aria Torani, Alba answered the receptionist who had asked them the purpose of their presence.

- Is it for an abortion? These words succeeded in making the concerned one shiver.

- Yes, it is.

- I'll need you to fill out this form with all the patient's information to confirm the information you gave when you made the appointment. Alba took the form, some writing materials and sat down with her lifelong friend before beginning to fill it out for her.

- So, first and last name: Aria Torani. Date of birth: 06/06/1996. Blood type: A+. Alba continued to fill in all the boxes she could, and let Aria fill in the rest of the boxes.

- Miss Torani, please come with us. At this announcement, the Italian girl hugged her friend to encourage her and show her support.

Aria was taken by a staff member to a small room where she was told to change into the clothes that were available to her. Once changed, she was taken to the operating room where she was quickly put to sleep by the anesthesiologist, the stars going to her head.

She stayed in the operating room for about half an hour before being moved to a room for her mandatory hospitalization after this type of surgery. The first thing she saw, once she woke up, was her best friend on her computer.

- Are you awake? So good! How are you doing? Does it hurt? she asked, rushing to her side and leaving what she was doing in abeyance.

- For the moment I'm fine, I just feel like I'm in jet lag.

- I was out shopping and found us matching Christmas pajamas with gingerbread all over them! By the way, there is a guy named "Lando" who called you three times while you were away, who is he? Is he the one who filled your kitchen?

- No, he's just a friend of my neighbor's that I hosted before Washington, and we hit it off, that's all.

- Yeah, I don't believe you.

The two friends continued to talk until Alba had to leave the premises, as the visits were over.

- I promise I'll come back tomorrow, as soon as it opens.

- You don't have to, Alba.

- When do you get out?

- Tuesday morning.

- Well, I'll be back until Tuesday morning.

The blonde didn't let Aria reply, having already left her room. Although her best friend was the person, she loved the most on this planet, the calm that currently reigned in her room was doing her the best. She let out a few tears of relief at the same time. Relieved to have done that, to have aborted, to have succeeded in speaking about her rape, and that the glance of the Italian did not change on her.

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