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It's been 5 weeks since we've seen each other, let alone talked. I can't say I have made it my aim to see you; sometimes I purposely avoid you.

I can guess what your family will be doing when they hear this come through the postbox. I bet your mum will look up at that large clock on the kitchen wall, panic and then ask Jackson to fetch the post. Jackson will get up from watching Transformers, then groan and mumble his way to the door. He will pick the package up and he will most likely shake it. I guessed that would happen so I wrapped each item individually. He will turn it around to look for an address, or a name or anything, and won't find one. He will read a quote saying 'Don't wait around, Get up and do it yourself'. He will throw it onto the kitchen table and make himself a bowl of cereal, before returning to the mechanical robot cars on- screen. Then you will come down.

You will poke your head into the living room, telling Jackson to hurry up because it's nearly eight, then you will go into the kitchen and notice the parcel. You will ask your mum what it is,  and she will say she doesn't know. You will make some breakfast then go to your room, taking the parcel with you and leaving it on the bed. 

I can guarantee that you will come straight home after school. After we broke up,  you never seemed to want to do anything, you stopped laughing, smiling and talking without being motivated. I am sorry I broke you. But then in a way, I also am not...

You will come home and change out of your uniform; you always said it was like a form of torture, to be trapped in those tight, stiff clothes.  You will put some music on then pick up the package. You will shake it to see if anything rattles, and then you will open it...

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