✹Chapter One✹

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Sometimes all it takes is a little butterfly wing to make a hurricane. In the same way, sometimes all it takes is a word of kindness to change someone's life. This is the story of how a young man found unconditional love, acceptance, and freedom with the help of a shy boy who owned a toad.


Fio Weasley was lying spreadeagled on his back on the bunk bed that he and Ron shared. He took a deep breath in and out, to calm his nerves, but it was failing drastically. This was the year he'd start the Renewal Elixir, the potion that would officially make him a biological male, and he was terrified. I don't think I'm allergic to any of the ingredients in the potion, but what if I am and it doesn't work and hurts me, or I die? His worries were shooting around his head a million miles per second and he couldn't think. 

"Hey, Ollie, have you seen Pig?" Ron asked, peeking his head around the doorway. Fio jerked in surprise, lifting his gaze, then shook his head as he processed his twin's question. "No. I think Ginny was playing with him earlier." Ron grunted in acknowledgment, pulling at some loose threads on his sleeves. "Was she being careful, keeping him away from Crookshanks an' all?" He asked, trying to act nonchalant, but Fio heard the underlying anxiousness in his voice. "Yes, she was being very careful. The door closed, in a room with tall bookshelves, the works." Fio reassured, smiling fondly as Ron suppressed a sigh of relief.

 "Well, that's good, I guess," Ron muttered, trying to appear uncaring. Fio sighed, sitting up fully and staring unamused at his twin. "You don't have to act like a prat to try and stay tough, Ron. I'm very fond of Pig too, y'know. You can't fool me." Ron opened his mouth to protest, but then closed it, apparently reducing that there was no use in fighting it. "But I do have to. If You-Know-Who is back, then that means we all have to be strong." Ron whispered, his tone now genuine and worried. Fio half-smiled sadly, leaning back on his hands. "There's more than one way to be strong, Ron. Kindness goes a long way when everyone's gloomy. Plus, we're just fifth years. We don't have to be strong until we've graduated. The adults can handle it, that's what they do." He explained gently, gazing softly at his twin. 

Ron sighed, sitting down heavily next to Fio. "I want to help." He murmured, his voice full of raw emotion. Fio nodded understandingly, patting Ron's shoulder in sympathy. "I do too. But we can't help them the way adults can. We can only help out as much as we can, to make it easier for the people out there risking their lives." Fio soothed, then hugged his brother. "I know it's hard. Just keep going, and the others will take care of the rest." Ron nodded reluctantly, standing up. "I'm going to go see if Fred and George are using the Ears." He said, straightening his jumper and walking towards the door, but paused, his hand resting on the doorframe, and turned to give a few parting words. "Harry'll be in this room when he gets here, so Mum said you'd have to move with Hermione and Ginny." Fio nodded, his face unsurprised at the news. But Ron wasn't finished talking yet. "This is the year, right? For starting the potion?" He asked, and Fio's eyes widened in surprise. Woah, he remembered. "Y-Yeah." He confirmed, looking down and fidgeting with his hands.

Ron smiled fondly at his twin brother, his eyes softening tenderly. "You're gonna be fine, Ollie. Mum and Dad have your back. Hell, the entire Order of the Phoenix has your back." At Fio's still apprehensive face, Ron sighed and crossed his arms. "If you're still nervous, talk to Tonks. She knows a thing or two about changes." He instructed, and Fio, recognizing the lovable and irritating stubbornness of his brother, reluctantly nodded just to get off the subject. "I know I'll be fine. I just have to stop overthinking it." He admitted, and Ron nodded encouragingly. "See, that's the spirit. See ya later si- bro." Fio smiled fondly. He can be an arse sometimes, but he tries hard. He's stubborn, and I love him for it. 

A sudden thump on the window caused Fio to jump and snap back to reality. The redhead scrambled to check it out, and was met with a familiar glossy russet owl with a heart-shaped cream-colored face, who promptly hopped inside once the window opened, shook out its feathers, preened itself a little, and stuck out its left leg primly. It was the owl named Donald, belonging to Augusta Longbottom, and undoubtedly carrying a letter from Neville. Fio carefully untied the letter from Donald, thanking him by stroking his head and offering him an owl treat, then eagerly turned his attention to the letter.

Dear Fee,

How have you been? I've been well. I visited my parents a couple of weeks ago. Mum's eyes looked a little less glazed when I talked to her, and I swore she squeezed my hand. I told Gran, but she told me I was just imagining it. She's probably right, but I hope she's not. Have you told your parents about the Renewal Elixir? I know you said that you would raise the money yourself, but I wanted to help, just a little bit. I've sent along a single Galleon in this letter (I would've sent more, but I know you wouldn't appreciate it). Gran seems to have taken a liking to you. She keeps asking me to invite you over. Do you think you could come? Just for a little bit? She really wants to meet you. Summer seems to have gone on forever this year. I'm looking forward to going back to Hogwarts. I miss seeing you every day.

Sincerely, Neville Longbottom

P.S. Gran insists that I sign the letter with my full name, but I know you prefer Nevs, so I'm signing the P.S. with Nevs instead. -Nevs

Fio couldn't help but chuckle. He could almost see Neville, sitting in the armchair by the door and reading the letter, his face graced by that sweetly shy smile of his. Merlin, I miss that little cinnamon roll so muuuuuchhh. He lamented dramatically to himself, flopping backward on the bed and letting out an almighty sigh. "I'll see you soon Nevs. First Harry gets here, then he goes to the hearing, and then we'll go get our school supplies. I'll ask Mum when we're going and I'll send you the date so we can meet up. That sounds like a plan." Fio thought aloud, then smiled in satisfaction. Yes. I have a plan. Plans are good.


Lucky Fio. He's much more planned than I ever will be. I hope that this story will get me out of the slump, and get me uploading more. (Was written entirely on my phone, as my computer still isn't happy with Wattpad, which is why it took so long.) I'm trying a new way of ordering my story this time, starting in the middle and working from there. Tell me if you enjoy it!

-V. Lee

1214 Word Count, including description

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