The Meeting

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"WILL COME ON YOU ARE COMING WITH ME TO THE STATION" Hopper yelled so will could here him from the kitchen.

"WHY" will yelled in a raspy voice coming from his bedroom

"Because you need a job" hop replied

"Fine, I'm going to get c as ready then" will said "I rcan't turn back now" will said under his breath

"Huh what was that" hop said

"Nothing" will groaned

•~time skip to when they are in the station~•
"Ok this is the-" hop was showing him around until he walked in

"Sorry I'm late I was-" the person says while will was standing there like he was seeing a baby kitten which he loves and adores baby kittens

Hop sighs "where were you this time Mike"

"I got donuts" mike says with a dorky smile which made will giggle a little

Mike looked and him "who is that" mike ask

"My stepson" hop says

"Hi I'm will" will says putting his hand out "mike" mike shakes his hand



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