Sugar cookie

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summary : Pony and Johnny make sugar cookies together after Johnny takes a beating from his Dad.

walked down the narrow dirt road as I make my way to the Curtis House. My stomach churning due to the lack of food and the side of my face bleeding because my oldman decided me trying to get food wasn't the best of ideas.

I practically live at the Curtis House, either that or the lot or risking a beating from the old man. I just don't want to bother them though.

I knock gently on the fragile screen door and see that nobody's home other than Pony, strange considering its a Friday night but maybe everyone had plans. Beats me.

Pony's reading what looks to be "To Kill a Mockingbird" while sitting on the couch listening to a record with a smoke in his mouth. He looks so at ease.

"Oh, come on it" he says gently taking a puff from his smoke

His eyes widen at the sight of my cheek before taking my face in his hands and eyeing it frantically.

"Babe, I'm fine, chill. Its okay."

"No. I'll go get the aids and get you patched up, you sit down."

I sigh but do as I'm told. Before long he comes back with a hot wash cloth, stitches, and bandages.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else, tell me J."

I raise up my shirt reluctantly to reveal and dark blackish blue bruise on the side of my ribs to my hip bone. Where my dad kicked me.

"God damn it." Pony curses under his breath "Here take these" he says handing me painkillers and a glass of water.

"Look Pone, I'm used to it, I'll be fine."

"Goddamnit Johnny I know that, I just want to make sure you're okay, just let me be here, please." he raised his voice a bit but then calms down

"I just want to take care of you" he says barely audible.

"Okay baby, I'm sorry."

He starts cleaning my cut with a wet wash cloth and hydrogen peroxcide. Then stitches it up and put soothing cream on it before covering it up with a bandage.

"Okay love, I'm done." he says

He tries to turn around but I grab his hand and pull him back to me, "Thanks babe" I say as I lean in to kiss him

"Of course,but now I'm hungry." he says then turns back to me excited

"Wanna make cookies...?" he says smiling

"I don't think cookies will help you if you're hungry...but I could go for a sugar cookie."

"Yes! Now c'mon." He says while grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen

He grabs the eggs, vegtible oil, milk, and flour from the fridge. then turns to me smiling. "Grab a boil, and a pan.... oh also the spray on shit that I forgot the name of."

"Got it" I say laughing

"And here you go my lovely"

"Okay now get the sugar, the cookie mix, and a spoon." he says while grabbing the bowl
"....please." he says smiling from ear to ear

"Of course."

'Uhm babe." I say questionably


"I can't reach the sugar."

He laughs in return and grabs the sugar for me, "Short stack."

Pony hit a growth spurt and I'm not exactly the tallest of guys...I'm 5'9...Pony's just about 6 foot.

"Leave me alone" I say sarcastically as I then spray the cookie sheet with sprayable oil

By then Pony has the cookie dough mixed.

"Hey Johnny" I hear from behind me and as soon as I turn around I get cookie dough smeared on the side of my face

He laughs histarically as I wipe the cookie dough off, licking my finger. "Yummy."

"Sure, now help me roll them out."

I grab a clump of cookie dough, and as soon as I roll in out with my hands, Pony looks at me with confusion, "To big."

"Well excuse me" I say as I slowly split the cookie dough ball in half, then slowly bring it to my mouth

"Johnny, no."

"Johnny, yes." I say as I put the other half of cookie dough in my mouth, laughing.

"C'mon Johnny! You're gonna eat it all, or get salmonella."

"Worth it" I say shrugging, my words muffled my the cookie dough in my mouth.

Pony shakes his head before continuing rolling the dough into small balls and putting them on the sheet.

One We're Finished we put the cookies in the oven and wash our hands, then laying down on the couch, watching T.V and cuddling.

About a half hour passes when Pony shakes me awake...."The cookies!"

We both rush to the stove seeing that the cookies were perfectly done

"Well I'll be damned." I say looking a Pony

"Cookies!" Pony yells grabbing a oven mit and taking them out of the oven"

We both laugh and put a few on a plate for the both of us. Pony grabbing one immediatly

"H-hot ah ah" he says spiting it out.



We both laugh, then eat our cookies once there cooled down.

"Heheh yummy" Pony says

"Yes indeed" I say biting into my cookie then giving Pony a kiss on the cheek

"Thanks baby."

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