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In this world so full of noise and strife
Where love is often confused with mere life
The word is thrown around with careless ease
And its true meaning lost in the breeze

People today don't understand
The depth of feeling, the power in hand
To say "I love you" is no small thing
It's a commitment to which you must cling

Love is not just a word to be spoken
It's an emotion that must be awoken
Of their needs, their fears, their hopes and dreams
And to support them, no matter how extreme

But in a world that's so fast-paced
And where instant gratification is embraced
People mistake lust for love
And true connection is rarely thought of

So let us remember what love truly means
And not just use it for selfish schemes
Let us be mature, sensible, and true
And love each other as we're meant to do.

The Strange Love.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang