chapter 2

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Today was Friday, where Jonathan could get a break from the weekdays. He's lounging on his couch, picking out a playlist to play on the cassette. He usually wasn't never this picky, he's so distracted with all the emotions.

He'd feel as if music could help describe his own emotions, then he'd ever did himself. He honestly was confused, maybe that's the main feeling he was experiencing. He could ask himself a million times why. He wasn't thinking of the point straightly. This was frustrating,

Confusion roamed his own mind. Every time he tries to think, it all leads to Steve and Nancy. Like they're both stuck in his head.

Nancy was like a friend where he could feel like himself around. The feeling wasn't romantically, though. Wait, it could never be. This made him ick even more. Why'd he even think of it in the first place? This feeling and thought was so sudden. This was all confusing.

And about Steve, he's fine. But not like that way, no. He's all good. Jonathan and he were sort of getting along. Sometimes they'd even be joking around, fooling around with Nancy maybe. But somehow this kind of made Jonathan happy, getting close with the two.

It's like he's trying to impress Steve or something. But in a good way, like trying to lure him into being friends with him. It's not like he's obsessed or anything, he just felt like if he'd ever were closer friends with him, it would... sort of make him feel good --

"Jonathan! Have you seen my work uniform?" The brunette was interrupted, like he was sort of thinking into the back of his head. It drove him crazy when he did this. He never thought he could think so much about Steve.

"Did you check the laundry?" He'd reply, shouting from his room. He'd hear little mutters from Joyce, who was probably babbling about how she was going to be late to work.

Later, like fifteen minutes or so he hears keys jingling. His cassette was on, in the middle of a song.

5:57 PM

After a half an hour or so (possibly two hours), Jonathan would be sitting beside his desk while listening to Bon Jovi. He never really had a specific taste in music. But honestly, whatever music's fine. He just needed the right artists and albums for a playlist that could possibly get him thinking. He wasn't all hype and idiotic, like the exact music where they would be at a party he wouldn't bother attending to. Jon continuously flipped through the pages of the book he used to help study. Taking notes here and there, he sort of found comfort actually doing something you understand but is a waste of time. I mean, he needed to study, but it really wasn't worth it. But it kept him busy, it pleased him.

While he was so busy, he gets a sudden feeling of tiredness. The boy had yawned and placed his pencil down. Already enough studying (which he never usually does), the music playing in the background begins to faint from a small distance. He shut off his cassette and found himself already comfortable in his own sheets.

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