The date

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Hopper goes over to briars and picks here up.
(Knock knock)
Briar comes out and is wearing a pink dress and looks awesome
Hopper: you look a...a...a...a...a..AMAZING!!!!!!😍❤️
Briar: thank you that means a lot.
Hopper: do you want to have that picnic now before it's too dark
Briar: yes
Hopper: I have a special place where to have it, on that hill.
Briar: that's looks nice place to sit near the sunset
Hopper: let's eat
Briar: ok
( 1 hour later)
Hopper: are you done briar
Briar: yes
Briar: there is the sunset
Hopper: it looks beautiful but not as much as you do
Briar: thank you
( hopper comes near briar and....)
😘😘😘😘😘 they kiss
Hopper: for some reason I saw that coming
Briar: well for no reason I loved that kiss, I thought it was amazing
Hopper: I know this is early but do you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend
Briar: yes!!!! I mean no I meant to say yes!!!!
Hopper: good because I have been dying to ask you
Briar: Let's go to the movies and watch the movie
Hopper: ok
Briar: we are here
( they walk in the building and get popcorn and snacks and a drink)
Briar: the movie is about to began
( 30 mins later it begins)
Briar: can you pass me the popcorn please
Hopper: yes
Briar: thank you, I think we will make a good couple
( 2 hours later the movie ends)
Hopper: that was such a great movie
Briar: yah it was
Hopper: let's go back to ever after high and tell the news
Briar: ok

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2015 ⏰

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