Part 1: Greeting (Prologue)

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[Note: This story has a prologue. It will mainly consist of one-shots, however. These first few chapters will be a bit short, unfortunately. ]

The day was dark and humid. The quiet pitter patter of the rain set the mood well: a comforting atmosphere perfect for reading, or some other silent activity.

Yn had just moved into this new neighborhood filled with colorful characters and bright houses. Today was supposed to be the day they introduced theirself, but the weather had other plans.

Still, Yn was not going to allow the day to be spoiled by an unexpected downpour.

They flopped onto the soft, cushioned couch and stared at a wall opposite you absently. What was there to do? Well, there was still some sweeping and tidying up to do, but no one wanted to do those things for fun.

Yn's thoughts were interrupted by a timid series of knocks on the door. Yn stood up and answered it, not expecting much.

There before you stood a tall, fuzzy caterpillar puppet. He wore a shy smile on his face, a friendly twinkling shining in his eyes.

"Howdy, neighbor! I'm Howdy Pillar, one of your many neighbors! I thought I'd stop by and greet you!" he exclaimed, waving with all four of his hands. Yn smiled. What a kind man! Despite the torrential pouring of the rain, he was willing to visit them.

"Thank you for stopping by! Does the weather not bother you?" They paused. "Oh, please come in! You'll catch a cold if you stay out in the rain for too long."

Howdy stepped inside hesitantly. He offered them a trembling hand. Yn shook it.

"Thank you kindly for inviting me in! The weather doesn't bother me, also. I came because I promised I'd greet you today. I was afraid you'd feel lonely if no one came to visit."

"Wow! Thank you. Yes, I was a little disappointed earlier, but I understood. It's far too cold to wander around outside, so I'm impressed you even stooped by," they thanked the tall caterpillar as they stood by him. Howdy nodded, silently putting two of his hands into the pockets of his apron. He cleared his throat.

"Would you like me to stop by again, sometime..?" he asked Yn quietly, looking down at them with a goofy grin. Howdy was feeling nervous and awkward.

He didn't usually leave his bodega, much less greet a new neighbor alone. This was completely foreign to him, but he did his best. After all, what would his mother think if she saw him being rude and cold toward a newcomer? Howdy didn't want to disappoint his mother!

"A visit? I'd like that very much! For now, would you like to stay and chat?" the new neighbor inquired quietly. Howdy was delighted by the friendliness of this adorably short neighbor (Howdy did acknowledge how they were a bit taller than Wally, though that was an easy accomplishment). He tried not to show his excitement too much.

"Shucks, I'd be happy to! I could tell you all about the neighborhood," the caterpillar said with enthusiasm. He quickly caught himself and added,"-if you want me to, that is!"

"Yes, I would like that very much. I'm new, so learning more about this lively neighborhood would be quite helpful!" Yn stated. They led Howdy to the dining table to chat. On the dining table laid a plate of cookies, obviously an offering for Howdy to take. He did not, as he didn't want to seem.. rude, or forward.

Howdy took a seat and tried his best to maintain eye contact with the new neighbor, but he was failing. It was quite difficult to maintain it, as Howdy himself was always busy whilst talking to someone. He gulped. This would be a long, long chat.

"So.. the neighborhood. It's very lively.. as you observed. We have a lot of neighbors here! We have Wally, Poppy, Julie, Eddie, Frank, Barnaby, Sally, and Home. Oh! And.." Howdy went on and on about The Neighborhood. It was clear he adored his residence and cherished his friends deeply, though his occasional tangents alluded to the fact that Howdy didn't see his friends often due to always being busy with his shop. He tried to stay clear of the subject, but he kept accidentally bringing it up.

The conversation was quite lengthy, as it lasted over an hour. By the end of it, the rain had slowed drastically, although the angry sky remained dark and ominous. There was no hint of sunshine to be seen. Tomorrow would certainly be a gloomy day, but it could be a cozy one if spent with the right company.

"Woah! This neighborhood is amazing! I'm excited to be here!" Yn cheered. Howdy cracked a slight smile at his new friend's excitement. It was refreshing to see such happiness at the end of what had been a disturbing week.

"I'm glad you think so," Howdy responded with a quiet sigh of relief. "There's a lot more to be said, but I don't wanna talk your ear off. Don't wanna scare off a new friend, haha."

Yn smiled at being called a "new friend." They nodded. "Oh, it's no problem. I don't mind at all! I'm not the chattiest person alive, but be sure I'm not one to ignore someone who is talking to me."

Howdy felt even more relieved by their words. He didn't even know why he was tense in the first place, actually.

His eyes darted to a window. It was even darker now. Howdy was certain it was nearing curfew. He felt a slight pang of sadness at the thought of leaving his newest friend, but he didn't want to be nuisance, nor did he want to leave unpacking some supply boxes to tomorrow.

Howdy rose from his seat, pushing the chair in gently. "Thanks for having me, neighbor! I better go finish my work," he said. Yn nodded.

"Of course. Thanks for stopping by!"

With that, Howdy left. As he walked back to his shop, he couldn't help but replay their earlier conversation over and over again. Why had this neighbor interested him so? Howdy wasn't usually so excited to meet someone.

He shrugged and decided he was just slowly losing his mind.

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