Chapter 2

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It has been a few weeks since the news of Y/N moving back to Thailand was announced to her. And finally, after these painful weeks of shifting, arranging, and updating, her family has moved back to her home country. They moved back to their old home that they have stayed at before moving to France but it was slightly renovated to give it a modern look which Y/N didn't complain about since she loved it.

Right now, she was seated in the passenger seat of her car while Uncle Joe, their butler since the time before she was even born drove her to her high school.

Kocher High School.

That's where she was going to attend her high school and she couldn't wait to reach soon. The obvious reason is to meet Thyme. She was overly excited to finally meet him after about 9 years. Her legs impatiently tapped on the car floor and Uncle Joe laughed at her excitement. He was happy seeing this side of Y/N after many years. Back in France she always showed signs of missing home. Though she never showed it on the out, he could feel her from inside. 

After they reached the school, Y/N couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face. She turned towards Uncle Joe, thanking him for the ride, and got down the car along with her belongings slumped in her bag that now hung from her right shoulder.

" Have a good day miss Y/N " Uncle Joe wished and drove back to the car as Y/N was waving at him through the road. After the car was out of sight, Y/N faced the entrance of the school. Needless to say, it was soo big. But Y/N was used to seeing and attending such a school, maybe even bigger than this, so that could be the reason why this magnificent structure didn't affect her as it does other students.

She stepped inside and could instantly find the reception, thanks to her relief. She walked to the counter and smiled at the receptionist who got up at the sight of her.

" How may I help you miss? " she smiled while Y/N responded " I'm Y/N, the new admission. I would like my class schedule, ID, and other stuff please "

" Oh, yes. Definitely. Please wait for a minute. " She bowed and started rummaging through the cupboard behind the counter. After a bit of search, she came back with a document that had a label of her name on it.

" Here you go miss. All of them are placed inside," she said handing over it to its rightful owner. Y/N thanked her and went in search of her class. As she entered the corridor of the main hall, she was shocked to see students all gathered around the middle and shouting at the top of their lungs. To say it irritated her was an understatement. The voices were soo loud and annoying and all she wanted to do was get out of there as soon as possible. 

As she tried to get past the overflowing crowd, she failed. The people were moving here and there with very much excitement as if their favorite idol was present right there. Curious about the commotion, Y/N peeped at the center of the crowd and as she looked, she was left shocked. 

She could spot two boys at the center of everyone. One was a guy with glasses and a bunny-looking face while the other one had long hair. To be honest, they were kinda hot but that didn't matter right now. What mattered was both of them were flirting with two stranger gis and the worst part was, they were right in front of her locker.

" This can't get any worse " she murmured, praying to every God that they didn't un-holytised her locker.
While looking out for her locker, she couldn't ignore the fact that they look familiar. As if she has known them.
So she started racking her brain up.
"Bunny-looking, Specs, and popular," she thought in her brain and that's when it hit her.

" They must be Kavin and MJ," she said, now fully understanding the situation. Whenever Thyme mentioned them to her, he used to always say they were popular in the lady's crowd and were kinda playboys. She got that popular part but 'this' popular is another level and unexpected and now she was fully mad because if this didn't finish sooner she would be late for her first class and that was the last thing she wanted.

Meanwhile MJ and Kavin were loving the attention they were receiving. Though it was an everyday occurrence, they still enjoyed it. Right now their entire focus was on the two girls in front of them. They were the chicks that they recently caught, they were hot and were totally into them. So they cracked up with them.

As the duo glanced upwards, their eyes locked onto a figure striding towards them with an air of barely suppressed vexation. A feminine form, her beauty so striking that it caught MJ's attention with such a force that he couldn't tear his gaze away from her for a moment. Kavin, too, was taken aback by her stunning appearance and couldn't deny the effect she had on him.

"Ah, she must be new," MJ murmured to Kavin, his attention still riveted on the approaching girl. He couldn't help but feel captivated by her, enthralled by the fiery aura she exuded even when she was upset.

Kavin nodded in agreement, acknowledging that the girl did indeed have an air of newness about her that he couldn't quite pinpoint. He couldn't help but admit to himself that her angry expression suited her well, but deep down, he knew that her smile would be even more breathtaking.

The two young men were so enraptured by the sight of the girl that they momentarily forgot the two young women standing in front of them. The girls were indignant that their attention had been diverted, so they too turned to observe the newcomer with resentment etched on their faces. But as their eyes fell upon the stunning girl, they too were left speechless, unable to utter a single word.

As Y/N made her way towards the locker's space, the entire hall fell silent in awe of her effortless ability to capture attention without even trying. The bystanders watched in amazement, stunned by the sheer magnetism that emanated from this new arrival.

As Y/N maneuvered through the crowd, she remained focused on reaching her destination at the lockers. Unbeknownst to her, the air around her had shifted, and the crowd was now abuzz with whispers and murmurs of the new arrival.

When she finally arrived at the lockers, her relief was palpable. However, her heart sank when she saw that the two men she had noticed earlier were blocking her path. To her annoyance, they seemed to be under the impression that their charms had worked on her and were preparing to flirt.

"Excuse me," Y/N stated bluntly, her gaze fixed on the two men. Kavin, in particular, looked dumbfounded, as though he couldn't comprehend what she was saying.

"You're standing between me and my locker. If you wouldn't mind moving aside, I'd appreciate it," she added, making it clear that she had no time for their advances and simply wanted to retrieve her belongings.

Despite his initial confusion, MJ was quick to react and promptly ushered Kavin to the side, muttering an apology to Y/N. She gave a small nod of acknowledgment and proceeded to open her locker, retrieving what she needed swiftly and efficiently.

Once she had finished, Y/N locked her locker and turned to face the two men once more. As she surveyed their expressions, she realized that Thyme had not revealed her to them, and she was grateful for that.

"Do either of you know where Thyme is?" she inquired looking at either of them for a response.

" And why would you want to know? " Kavin asked as he tried to regain his composure. Y/N met his gaze and gently raised her brows. It was like she either wanted a reply or she would gladly leave.

" He isn't here now. He'll be for lunch though " MJ replied, still curious as to a girl inquires about him, but nothing less he answered her.

Y/N nodded in acknowledgment before turning on her heel and striding purposefully down the hallway. As she walked away, Kavin and MJ exchanged glances, both of them feeling a sense of intrigue about the new arrival.

"Who is she?" MJ whispered, his curiosity piqued.

"I don't know, but there's something about her," Kavin replied, his eyes following her retreating figure. "She's not like anyone I've ever met before."

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