Nightmare Vs Hell PT.1

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Nightmare was working on his gloves; he was trying to add a knife to his glove so he would carry less around and be more quick. He had been working on this project for months with little done, and he was not sure how to add it to his glove without having to remove anything. He had not been on a mission for months, which gave him more time to brainstorm. He looked over at a couple of his ideas that were on a large piece of paper, and it clicked with how he wanted to do it. He ran to his toolbox to grab the knives and tools and started to work on the gloves. It was about 3 AM when he finished the prototype of the new upgrade to the glove. He went to put it on and try it. He went to the mechanical punching machine and striked the machine with one punch making deep, 2-inch-wide holes inside the machine. Nightmare pressed a button, and the machine repaired itself. He changed the mode from knives to normal mode and sighed. "I'm finally done with these; now to sleep and let them charge," he thought as he put them on the charger and went inside his house and to his room and plopped himself onto his bed.

An hour later, he woke from his sleep to a big red beam coming from the floor of his room. He threw himself up and looked at the beam. "What the-?" he started saying before being interrupted by a big explosion that sent him flying into a tree. "Shit!" he got up and started running towards the garage, dogging every beam the giant beam sent towards him. He got inside of the garage from a giant hole the beam made and got his gloves on as more beams shot towards him, destroying more of the garage but barely missing Nightmare. He went towards the beam in his room now that it was a portal. It started having hands come out of it trying to grab Nightmare's leg. He managed to back up before any of the hands could get him. As Nightmare was running outside, another portal opened right up where he was running, bringing him into hell as the portal closes as he enters.

He looked around the burning place; he was sweating in his suit. He walked forward a few steps, and he was at a cliff, and right in front of him was a 600-foot fall into burning lava. He backed up a few steps and started to look for another way out of this place as the portal closed up as he fell in. "Where am I supposed to go?" he mumbled to himself as he wandered around, each stop leading him to a dead end. He used his glove to switch to grappling hook mode and took a jump down the cliff and shot the wall so he'd be safe. Nightmare looked around for another pathway, and he noticed a small building in the distance; it looked like a small house. He shot his second hook onto the roof and swung himself over the house. Now he faced another challenge: how was he going to get down there? It then came to him that he could use his knives to climb down. He switched modes to knife and stabbed the wall, then did the same with the other glove, slowly climbing his way down. As he was making his way down, a demon came from somewhere and shot him in the back, making him fall onto the house, breaking the roof, and having a very rough landing.

(I wanted the beginning to be short to show how the world can go from being on his side to shit in a flip of a switch)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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