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"I take it back! I am afraid of dying!!"

YeuriThe name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered

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The name of a calm female Ghost, who can be aggressive when triggered.


"What about your family?" The question spilled from Y/N's lips, straightforward and unfiltered. Alejandro turned to her, his lips pressed into a thin line as his gaze swept over her features, noticing the faint spatters of blood that marred her skin. He carefully examined her, acutely aware of the lurking enemies outside. "I keep that a secret, Hermana," Alejandro replied in a soft tone, the memories of his family briefly illuminating his face with a tender smile. "To protect them."

The word 'protect' hung in the air, heavy with unspoken weight. Y/N's gloved fingers tightened their grip around her automatic gun, and the haunting images of her own family flickered through her mind. She swallowed hard, her teeth gritting at the mere thought of Barkov, a name synonymous with anguish and torment.

A loud, unmistakably British voice resonated with its distinct Manchester accent, Ghost making his presence known. "We have concealment," he announced. Alejandro exchanged a nod with Soap, their silent understanding urging them to action. "Let's move."

"On me, Soap." Alejandro took the lead, cautiously stepping out and holding his weapon ready for any potential threats. Soap followed closely behind, their movements calculated and precise.

Y/N, however, lingered for a moment, lost in a whirlwind of thoughts that danced through her mind. Her reverie was interrupted by a nudge at her hip, and she turned her head to find the masked figure of Ghost looming in front of her. His words were tinged with his usual irritation. "get moving." Ghost's impatience was as unmistakable as his voice, a constant presence in their intense missions.

With a sigh, she nodded in acknowledgment and raised her left hand to adjust her face mask. "On it," she mumbled before stealing one more glance at him. Her gaze lingered on the deep hazel hue of his eyes. They resembled chocolate, a tempting mixture of sweetness and a hint of bitterness. It was the latter that characterized him, a facet of his personality that Yeuri found unappealing.

As she moved forward, Yeuri's thoughts were consumed by her frustration with the masked individual who always seemed to rub her the wrong way. He was a constant source of irritation, his relentless presence grating on her nerves. Those hazel eyes of his, always scrutinizing, only added to her annoyance. She yearned to rip that mask off his face, to reveal the true identity concealed beneath it, and perhaps uncover the source of the bitterness that turned him into a relentless monster.

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