Birthday Gift.

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You woke in the morning. It was your birthday. You got up, did your bed and immediately went to took a shower. You wore some cute clothing today as it's your special day. You can smelled the cake scent from the kitchen and you immediately ran there. But your smile dropped when the you find out it was chocolate cake.

"Mom, I told you that I want a strawberry cake this year!" You said. Your voice raised up a bit.

"I'm so sorry, my dear. But you know I'm allergic to strawberry, right?" She replied. Her voice was so gentle since she didn't want to hurt your feelings. You just scoffed.

"Seriously? If you can't eat strawberries, then don't eat it. It's my birthday, my choice!" She just stayed silent. There's a hint of sadness on her face but she immediately covered it with a sweet smile.

"I'm so sorry. We can buy another cake if you want." You just shook your head and took a seat at dining table. You ate one of the cake slice silently. You didn't even looked at her as if she wasn't there.

When you finished, she immediately gave you a box of a present. "Happy birthday!" She said. You took the box and opened it right there. You were expecting something expensive, but it was just some kind of old book.

You looked at your mom in disbelief. Her face really showed that she was hoping that you will like the present. You didn't even care to flip the book pages. You just stared at the book in disbelief.

"Thanks." You said, but she can tell that you didn't like the gift. She just showed a warm smile although she was sad that you didn't like the gift she gave.

"If you're feeling sad, you can read the book. I.. Really hope it could cheer you up if you're feeling upset." She said with a soothing voice. You clearly did not like this. You just left her alone and went to your room without saying anything.

Time passed so long. You hangout with your friends for the whole day, but barely spent time with your mom. You was smiling will all the presents you got today. And finally, you looked at the book your mom gave.

You let out a sighed, then flipped the pages. The book contain some stories, and they were all positive. You noticed that the book was actually a notebook. And the story were handwritten. There's also some doodles that your mom drew too. You can't help but felt bad for your behavior from earlier. She probably spent more than a month just to make this gift.

You slowly flipped those pages. You spent the whole might reading the book. All the stories really did cheered you up. You realized it's morning already and you knew that you need to apologize to your mom. You put a book aside, then walked out from your room. The house was so quiet. It's still early, so you decided to make some waffles for your mom in hope that she would like it.

Hours passed. It's 8 AM already. You decided to go to your mom's room to wake her up.

You knocked on the door. "Mom, it's morning already!" You said, trying your best to sound gentle like how your mom always wake you up. But there's only silent. The door wasn't locked. You slowly opened it, and walked inside. The room was empty. You frowned. "Mom?"

You began to searched for her. Her car wasn't outside. You can't help but felt so worried and scared. The fear took you in that you began to teared up while calling for her loudly.

You took out your phone and dialed her numbers while sobbing so loud.

No one picked up. You cried more. You didn't even touched the breakfast you made earlier. You won't eat the breakfast until you find your mom.

You weren't trying to act overdramatic, but it just you couldn't help but cry. Negative thoughts started to filled your brain. Did your mom left you because she had enough of your attitude?

You hugged the book she gave so tight like your life depends on if. You're just a little kid. You can't really do anything.

You cried so hard the whole day searching for your mom that you passed out at a park.

You woke up, slowly opened your eyes. White ceiling, quiet atmosphere. You're at a hospital. You slowly looked around. "Mom?" That was the first person you called, hoping someone would answer.

Then you remembered about the book. You got panicked and searched for it. Luckily, it just on the table beside the bed. You got up, took the booked, and hugged it tightly. Your mom probably spent so much time making the book that it smelled like her.

The thoughts of your mom make you emotional again. "Mom?" You looked around while hugging the book. There's only silent. You began to cried again.

But then you heard someone talking. "Yes, sweetheart?" You immediately put the book aside and ran to the person who answered.

It was Her. It's really Her.

You hugged her as tight as you can while sobbing uncontrollably. Your body shook so much because you're crying so hard.

"I miss you, mom! I'm so sorry for behaving badly. I love you so much, I swear I can't live without you." You spoke while being in her embrace. It really felt comforting having your mom hugging you.

"I love you too, my dear." She replied. With the same soothing voice and sweet tone that you had missed so much.

- The end -

LMAO i cried while writing this so please ignore all the typos and grammar error.

Happy Birthday [Oneshoot]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang