| CHAPTER TWO | Strange Girl

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| CHAPTER TWO; Strange Girl |

JUST AS I WOKE up, I heard Star Man by David Bowie playing loudly in the other side of the shop. Since I was sleeping on the floor of the bathroom with the door shut, it was slightly muffled. Standing up with only a white wife beater on and a pair of panties, I shuffled out of the bathroom. Stopping in place when I saw Chrissie and the curly headed boy singing together. "Beautiful." I began clapping once the finished, making them both jump away from each other in shock. Staring at me like a deer in headlights.

"You're here?" Curly wondered, brushing his hair out of his face. Scanning me up and down, causing Chrissie to pinch him.

I nodded and pursed my slightly swollen lips, rubbing my dark eyes. "Course'.You cute little song birds woke me up." I smirked, pulling the bottom of my wife bearer down slightly. "Carry on." I waved my hand and slowly walked back to the bathroom.

Once I sat back down in my spot on the tile, I heard a couple things fall. Smiling to myself, I finally began falling asleep again. About time I get some decent sleep after all that time with barely any. "Chrissie?" I heard Nicks voice call out for my very busy friend. I jumped up from the floor, immediately waking up. I swung the bathroom door open and attempted to run out of the room, tripping and falling instead. "Star?" Nick almost shouted, beginning to make his way toward me to help me up.

"Hang on!" Chrissie replied stressfully.

"I'm okay." I mumbled into the floor before Nick could help. I pushed my self up and winced, "Fine outfit, Nick." I complimented him awkwardly, trying to save Chrissie some time.

"Thank you— uh...mm, trying on a bit of new rubber, are we? Let me see." He suddenly forgot about his slight suspicion. I sighed and jumped up on the counter, well, tried to.

"One sec." Chrissie huffed, walking out from behind the curtain shortly after. "Hi!" She smiled, letting out a breath.

"Chrissie? Help me?" I asked, slightly embarrassed that I couldn't even get onto the top of the counter. To be fair, it is fairly tall. I also have shit upper arm strength, my arms are too bony for it. She held back a laugh and helped me jump onto the counter, "Thanks!"

"Hi." Nick blandly greeted her, his smirk dropping. "Everything all right?" He questioned her, taking a step forward, barely.

"Sure!" Chrissie lied, not being very discrete. "Yeah, let's go." She walked off to grab her stuff, just as I lifted my knees up to my chest and hugged them. Watching the show unfold, wondering when Curly Boy would come from behind the curtains. As if he knew what I was thinking and wanted to give me the good show I wanted, he came right out like nothing had happened between the pair.

"All right, Nick?" Curly nodded up at him nonchalantly. Clearly he was a better liar than Chrissie was. Me on the other hand, it really depended on my situation or even my venerability when it comes to me lying about someone or something. "How ya doing'?"

"Hi." Nick repeated after sharing a look with me then looking at Chrissie who was avoiding his stare. "Are you...working here now?" He asked self consciously, hoping to god that he wasn't.

"Nah, I can't count to ten." Curly stated, setting up a clothed torso onto its stand. "Malcolm's managing the band." Where was I when this happened?! No...really, where was I?

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