I Kept the Napkin-Chapter 2

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I had folded the napkin carefully and put it in my purse with every intention of texting my (seemingly) impossible crush (aka Pete Wentz)

I got back home and took off my shoes and clothing and got into the shower. The warm water felt good on my back and I released some of the tension in my muscles. The water turned cold and I stepped out, dried off, and put on my pajamas.

Instead of falling asleep strait away, I lay awake thinking about what happened. Had Pete acted jealous? That could have been a figment of my imagination... But I could have sworn... Ah fuck it, too much to think about with this headache.

I lay my head on my pillow and was quickly fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning and fixed my lonely ass self a bowl of nasty ass cereal. Gosh my life stinks!

I was sitting around in my undies not giving a shit about the rest of the world watching some TV show on Disney Channel (don't judge meh! These shows teach you very valuable life lessons! Like... Like... Ah who the hell am I kidding like NOTHING!!!) when I remembered the napkin.

I reached into my purse and pulled out the napkin and read the note scribbled across it. I typed the number into my phone and texted him.

Hey! This is Kat! You know that chick from da club! You gave me your number... So hi... Ok this is awkward...

I sent the message and waited for a response.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And took a nap.

And watched a movie.

And I laid myself down to sleep.

And I dozed off.

And I almost was asleep...

When I heard my text tone go off, which literally scared the shit out of me so I had to go to the bathroom and change my undies before I could check it.

When I got back to my bed I picked up my phone to see that it was from Pete.

Hey!! Sorry I'm so late! I was chilling with the band and my phone ran out of battery and this is not awkward at all!!

I laughed.

Lol... Easy for you to say!! You're not one who had to text first!!! I'm fixing to go to bed so night!!!

I put my phone down and waited for a reply so I could go to sleep.

Ok good night! I'll talk to you tomorrow!

I smiled and locked my phone and went to sleep with Pete Wentz in my thoughts and dreams.


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