Chapter six

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6:15 rolled around and the group decided it was time to head over to the shrine. They were all terrified for different reasons.

Chad was afraid of losing his family.
Tara was afraid of losing her protector.
Sam was afraid of losing her sanity.
Lydia was afraid of losing the only person left who loved her.

But still, they headed to the subway, on their way to possible death.

Chad dragged onto Lydia and Mindy like they were dogs.

"Jesus Chad why are you holding onto my arm so tightly?" Lydia said trying to loosen his grip.

"Cause I cant see you down there and if you disappear, I'll probably have no idea."

"Are you calling me short?"

"Hell if the shoe fits!"

Lydia snatched her arm away from Chad's as the entered the subway.

Suddenly the doors began to shut, Chad and Lydia were yanked onto the subway, leaving Mindy and Ethan on the other side.

Chad turned to Sam's boyfriend, Danny."Dude what the fuck! My sister's out there!"

"I'm trying to keep us together!"

"By pulling us apart??" Chad was so pissed at Danny that there was a vein popping out of his forehead. His face turned bright red.

Lydia's phone lit up.

Ethan: Hey. I'm gonna get on the next subway with Mindy. This ends tonight babe. Be safe.

Lydia couldn't help but blush from the sweet message he sent her. "Mindy's fine. She's with Ethan. They're getting on the next subway."

"Whatever. She should be with me." Chad gripped onto the pole tightly.

Lydia wondered where this random burst of anger came from."Why are you so upset?"
"Did you not pay attention to anything that just happened? My sister is out there in the world, alone when there's a masked killer on the loose."

"She's not alone, she's with Ethan."

"Right like that's so comforting."

Lydia took offense to Chad insulting Ethan. She  felt weirdly protective over him. "What's that supposed to mean."

"It means we barely know that kid. Mindy said it herself: roommate lotteries can be juked. Have you seen his resting face? That's the face of a killer."

"So you think Ethan's ghost face?"
"That's bullshit. He's always with us."
"And Amber was with us during half the killings last year. There's rarely ever just one ghost face?"
"So if Ethan's ghost face, who are the others? What's his motive?"
"He doesn't need a fucking motive Lydia. People just like the kill us and our friends for shits and giggles."
"This is ridiculous. You and Ethan are friends. He sees you like a brother."
"I know you're seeing him with rose colored glasses cause he dicks you down or whatever but time to face the music kid. You cant trust anyone."

"I cant believe you right now. I'd expect this shit from Mindy but not you."

"What shit? Logic?"

"What has gotten into you Chad?"
"What has gotten into you Lydia? You used to be the smartest kid. Now you're letting your judgment get clouded by some loser with a perm."

Lydia pushed Chad away from her. "He is not a loser! You're a loser Chad! You've been chasing after Tara since the seventh grade and guess what? She still doesn't want you! You're fucking pathetic."

"I'm the pathetic one? You think I forgot about your little crush on Wes? You I remember when you used to follow him around like a fucking dog. He didn't want anything to do with you but you were just so in love you couldn't let it go. He used to tell me how weird you made him feel."

"That's not true."

"Yeah, it is Lydia. If anyone here is pathetic, it's you. I'll have more of a chance with Tara than you ever will with Wes. You wanna know why? Cause he's fucking dead Lydia. He followed your dad on that big stairway up to heaven and you're down here longing for them both."

"At least my mom isn't an alcoholic."

"At least my mom is alive."

"Fuck you Chad."

"Trust me kid. However you feel about me, I feel about you but ten times worser."

"Worser isn't a word you fucking loser!"

The subway stopped where they were meant to get off. Chad turned around and left Lydia there alone, like everyone else in her life.

Instead of letting him walk away from her, she chased him down and whispered "watch your back. I was going to protect you, now you're on your own."

Chad made eye contact with his cousin and furrowed his eyebrows before following the carpenter sisters to the shrine.

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