Chapter 7

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A week has passed and it feels like it's been 10 years of hell and embarrassment. Mark and his girlfriend *cough*Slut*cough* have become official and Mark's girl, who I shall not say her name, has been spreading rumors about me trying to take Mark away from her. Also, Mark is still trying to get me to become his friend again. Jason has also been getting too close, as if we were still dating, I really need to talk to him about that. I sort of accepted his apology but I don't really know if I would ever be his boyfriend again. I walked to my last class that happened to be Math, the class were I have to sit up front and get hit my flying pieces of paper. I took my seat up front instead of the one next to Emily. Mr.Harvey moved me because Emily has been getting lost in our class subjects and I was part of at, I guess. I sighed as I sit down, before the bell rang I heard a few people say shit like "Boy friend stealer" or "Fag." The usual. As the class dragged on, I zoned out, but I made sure to be looking at the board as I zoned out because then it would look like I'm sort of focused. From what I understood, Mr.Harvey was talking about finding the area of a circle or something. I mentally sighed and thought "thank god I already know most of the shit he teaches us." I turned around a little to the back of the class because Mr.Harvey walked back there to get our tests from last week. I then noticed that Jason had his head down and seemed to be... shaking? Is he crying? I stared as he shook a little with his head down on his desk and his hoodie up. "Luis. Would you mind coming over here and telling us how easy this test was? You already wrote a paragraph on your test about how easy what I teach you is." I gulped and walked to the back and grabbed my test, which was a 100% "u-um. W-well... y-you are t-teaching us 6th g-grade math. I'm not d-dumb. I can tell the difference, Mr.Harvey." I sigh and take a deep breath, "you might as well be teaching us to add. I learned all this stuff in Elementary and 6th. Of course this test was easy, for those who are failing this class, You have no hope. This shit is meant for 10-12 year olds, how old are you guys? 15, 16? Oh okay. Also, Mr.Harvey, If you're trying to shame me or whatever for thinking this stuff is easy... Nice try. I'm alot more smarter than you think." I smirked and looked at Mr.Harvey's eyes as everyone only stared at me. "Thanks Mr.Harvey for trying to make my Social Anxiety even worse by making me speak in front of these dorks, but I'm not just smarter than you think but I'm stronger." I flipped him off and then the bell rang, everyone stayed in their seats and stared. "D-detention!" Mr.Harvey yelled, I laughed and poked his nose. "Nice try, but I think y-you're fired!" I grabbed my stuff and walked out the classroom. When I left the room, I heard all the "oooohh!"s and people rushing out. Not any less than 10 seconds later was Emily by my side, Lauging and crying from laughing so much. "W-what!? I d-didn't even know you could do that! Oh my god, man. You're cruel!" I smiled but blushed, "I-I d-didnt mean t-to say all t-that or d-do that, m-my b-brain and b-body just acted." Emily laughed and we stopped at the hallway were the Girls and Boys rooms split. She stared at my eyes, thank god she was a little shorter than me. "That was funny, We should hang out tomorrow, you know since it's Saturday and I couldn't hang out with you last week." I smiled and hugged her, "Yeah, just text me the details later. Bye!" She smiled and nodded and we split ways, as I walked to my room I heard footsteps behind me. Great, it's Jason. I sighed and hurried a little, I finally reached the room and ran in and jumped on my bed. A minute or two later, Jason walked in with blood shot eyes and silently fell to his bed. "Jason?" He didn't answer. I got up and sat on the floor next to his bed and poked his shoulder. "Are you okay? What happened?" No response. I stood up and managed to roll Jason over. He was crying, I only looked at him. "What's wrong? Who did this? Come on... tell me." He only looked at my face and said "I'm fine." I sighed and sat on him with my knees on each side of him and cupped his face. "Come on, I hate seeing you sad. What's wrong." I wasn't lying, every time he is sad I feel sad too. "O-okay." He said and he sat up, I was still sitting on him but now my legs were wrapped around him. "M-mark... my parents." I rubbed his back as he spoke into my shoulder while crying. "Mark... hates me. H-he said, I-I'm why y-you don't want t-to talk to him anymore. I-I'm just shit and p-problems." I pulled his head off my shoulder, "That's not true! You're awesome, Jason, don't you ever believe what anyone tells you about being shit or what ever!" He only nodded and continued "a-and. My p-parents, w-who I haven't talked to in months, sent me a text. A-and... here." He gave me his phone to see the text. I mumbled it out loud, "hey, Jason, or should I say faggot of the family. We just wanted to let you know that for spring break your better, not gay, brother is stayibg with us. And you're staying with your fuck buddies at school, have a nice spring break, you disappointment.
~Your mother and father"

I only stared at it wide eyed. I dropped his phone and hugged him as tight as possible, "no Jason.. You're none of that. Never believe them, they only are saying that because they believe keeping their god happy instead of their son is more important. If they think that, they don't matter. Listen, you are you. I like you, everyone likes you. Sure they talk shit but why? Not because they're jealous but because they have nothing to do but make lies." Jason hugged me tightly, "b-but they're right, I'm only a piece of worthless trash." I cupped his face, once again, "no. No you're not, you're perfect. Don't ever forget that!" Jason smiled sadly "I need to show you this, You'll get mad but... I'm sorry." He took off his shirt and I saw cuts everywhere. They scattered his arms. "W-why? No. Tell me. Why do you think you deserve this!?" He only cried and said "I'm shit. I'm dumb, ugly, worthless, unwanted, slutty, over all a horrible person." I kissed his forehead, "you're dumb? Okay. I like that, why? Because it makes you, you. You're ugly? Wonderful! I love it, why? Becayse it makes you, you. You're worthless? Not one bit. If anything you're worth anything in this world. Unwanted? I want you, hell, I need you. You keep me stable and from freaking out at this school. Slutty? Magnificent! It only makes you even better! If people don't like you, don't let it affect you because I'm sure as hell more people like you than hate you!" I picked up his left arm and said "and you don't deserve this. You don't deserve to be hurt. You go through alot of problems, why add more?" I kissed each and everyone of his scars and cuts. "If you ever feel like no one cares remember, I'm here. You have my phone number. It could be 3 am on a Saturday morning and I could have been sleeping in since I was really tired and I would still come to you!" I leaned in and before I kissed his beautiful plump lips I said, "because I care that much." Jason leaned into the kiss, I pulled away. "I know this is dumb but... would you like to try this relationship over again? If anything is wrong we talk to each other." Jason nodded and said "hey, I'm shirtless. Why don't you take your shirt off?" I roll my eyes and laugh. "Okay but only because I feel like being nice!" I took off my shirt and stood up next to Jason's bed. I covered my chest a little, even though it didn't do anything. "Come on Luis. It's not like you have a fucking tattoo of an ass on your chest. Or do you?" I chuckled and Jason stood up and grabbed my arms and pulled them away from my chest. "Damn boy. You're pale, but nice tattoo!" (His tattoo is just "All masterpieces were empty and plain once" written in cursive, so creative!) I blushed and pulled my arms away from him. Jason gave me a curious look, he quickly grabbed my arms and flipped them over, his eyes widened. "They're scars. Don't worry about it, I've been months clean." Jason nodded and hugged me. "Hey.. looks like we're emo fags. The bullies were right! They could see the future" I laughed and looked up at Jason, "you know you have a adorable laugh." Jason said. I tried to fight back a laugh, "my laugh? You sound like a angel when you giggle!" Jason giggled, not on purpose. "See! Music to my ears! Beautiful!" We both smiled at our dorkiness. Jason leaned in and kissed me, "I love you." I smiled "I love you too."

Yeah... Idk what that was. I let my ideas flow into a chapter. Lol I hope you like it! (There will be no LuisxEmily! You already got 1 straight couple!) Sorry for any misspelling and grammar errors. XD thanks for reading, I love you guys!

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