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I'm sorry, mother, I grumble as I push the door of the small business. As a wave of cold air blasts me in the face, my already present frown deepens. The conversation with my best friend from last night resurfaces in my mind as an employee calls out a welcome that I don't respond to.


Darius crosses his arms over his broad chest as he watches me do a series of reps, lifting the bar over my chest.

"You need to stop avoiding it, Henry." I grunt, not halting my rhythm. "I mean it. The problem isn't going to go away unless you deal with it now." 

"I'm not avoiding it." I mutter.

He throws his head back and laughs. I grit my teeth finally setting aside the bar and sitting up to glare at my closest friend. "Dude. My friend. My brother. You most definitely are. How long have you been putting this off?" I take a swig of water to stall, considering how to answer. I decide to go with the truth. "Two months."

Darius guffaws, "Oh man, you are even worse than I thought." I roll my eyes, standing up to grab my neck towel. 

"It's furniture shopping."

He snaps his fingers and points at me, "Yes! Furniture is important! Your house looks like it's abandoned with how empty it is."

"You're exaggerating."

"The last time your parents came to visit they thought they had accidentally walked into a viewing for a rental house."

"...." I sigh. "Fine. I'll go tomorrow." My best friend slaps me on the back. "It won't be that bad. Just grab a few things to fill that lonely house of yours."


Right now, I would rather be anywhere else. I stalk towards the section for dining tables hoping to just spot one that I liked and get out of there. I was examining a mahogany wood table when I felt someone bump into my back causing me to jerk in surprise.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" A sweet high voice exclames from behind me. I turn around and look down at a short brunette. She gasps and covers her mouth. "Sir! I didn't recognize you, I apologize!" She bows her head and shuffles back a few steps. I cock my head and study her. Ah, I remember her. She's the new intern at my company who arrived a month ago. She works in my department and I have seen her often coming in and out of offices going for coffee runs. I remember her mostly because of how beautiful she is. Sleek dark brown hair cut into a soft bob that brushes her shoulders. Her features are smooth and unblemished save for a scattering of freckles across the bridge of her button nose that draws attention to her wide brown eyes framed by long lush eyelashes and slender brows. Wispy bangs sweep over her forehead and I can't help but wonder what it would feel like to brush them back, the silky strands running through my fingers. 

Instead, I stick my hands in my pockets. "Ms. Chase, I presume?" Her head shoots up and I'm blinded by her smile. "Oh! You remember me, Mr. Grey?" I incline my head, 

"Of course. I always recognize good work from my employees." Her smile is like pure sunshine and I find myself struggling not to smile back. Ms. Chase tucks her hair behind her ear, "I appreciate that, sir. I have to admit that it hasn't been easy." I furrow my brows, "How so?" 

She shifts uncomfortably. "Nothing important really." She mumbles. I take a step closer to her and she glances up at me quickly. 

"What do you mean by that?" She shrugs, "Sometimes I'm given a hard time at work." She attempts to grin again, "But it's all in good fun." I raise an eyebrow, "Doesn't seem like it." 

She grimaces and looks away. I sigh, knowing how inappropriate it would be but ignoring my rational thinking, I reach out and skim the underside of her chin, tilting her head up. Her skin is warm and soft under my fingers and the look of pleasant surprise on her face, her lips parting, is satisfying.

"I appreciate your hard work , Ms. Chase. More than you know." Her throat bobs.

"Oh uhm th-thank you." I smile at her and her eyes widen. Good Lord, is she pretty. I clear my throat and drop my hand. "Well, it was good to see you, Ms. Chase but I actually came here for a reason." She quirks an eyebrow, "I'd assume so. It's a furniture store." 

I chuckle, "I guess you're right." I pause, "So you suppose you can help me?" She blinks then smiles. "Of course!"

After searching for a while, I finally decide on a long rectangle dark oak wood table and a matching set of eight chairs though I can't be sure I was entirely focused on the furnishings when Ms. Chase was standing so close. We are exiting the store when she suddenly spins around to face me and I, not expecting the action, find myself reaching up to steady her as she wobbles to avoid face planting into my chest. My hands rest on her shoulders and she peeks shyly up at me, cheeks red.

"Uhm I- uhm." She stutters as she wrings her hands together. I let go of her and wait, sensing she wanted to tell me something.

"Would you- well if you are willing and it's not inappropriate- uhm well would it be alright if-" She stumbles over her words and I smile gently at her.

"Are you asking me out?" My soft voice halts her word vomit.

She blushes madly, "Uhm yes." She scrunches her nose. "If it is not inappropriate, sir."



I reach for her hand and clasp it in mine, bringing it up to my lips.

"My name is Henry."

The Furniture StoreМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя