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April 19th,

Dear diary,

I have been hearing strange sounds coming from under the ice near the airport. one of my coworkers says its just the ice settling. But I don't think that's the truth. Because two days ago Bill went missing, he hasn't returned yet I am worried he might of been killed. his room was locked. wish me luck -Lizzy

"Hello you must be Emma Smith." "yes I am." Emma smith reached her hand out. As She shook her new boss's hand. "well as you know there is no town near here unless you take a plane. Which doesn't come by that often." He walked her to her room. "This is Sage he will be your mentor and trainer." the young man was around Emma's age. brown short hair, friendly smile kind brown eyes and olive colored skin. he was a little buff. "Hey nice to meet you." He said as he reached out his hand to her. she took it and smiled. "I will leave you to it." "Yes sir." he walked off leaving Her and him. then he cleared his throat "So um you learned what we did here. I will show you the rest of the station." She smiled.

"And that's the end of the tour. Any questions.?" Just before Emma could answer a scream came from room 16. they both ran. "IT WAS OUTSIDE MY WINDOW." The blond haired girl cried. Ruben rolled his eyes. "It was a polar bear Lizzy." She then noticed Sage and Emma. She ran up to her and grabbed her hands. "you bilevel me right?!" She hesitated. then replied. "Of course." The girl whos name was Lizzy smiled and finally calmed down. "see you don't have to be an asshole Ruben!" after she left her room. Ruben stood by Emma and Sage. "What did she mean?" "Well we had someone go missing two days ago." "Well maybe he got home sick or something." Emma said. "That's what we are thinking." "But Lizzy doesn't think so." "Are you all trying to scare off our new intern?" We jumped. "Shit Ben don't walk up on people like that!" "We know what happened to bill." "Really?" "Yes but I need everyone."

that night everyone sat in the living room. "Ben what happened to Bill?" "Yeah you said you know what happened to him." "Well fist off Bill will not be coming back." " See I told you all he was murdered!!!" Lizzy cried. "that's not what happened." He corrected her. Emma noticed a sigh of relief coming from Lizzy. "He quite." "Diner is ready."

No one said nothing. It was quite for the fist hours. "So Emma how is your first night?" "Alright, I guess." "You guess?" Lizzy elbowed Emma. She looked at her and she knew something was bothering her. "Hey to cheer everyone up I got a letter from Bill." That lit everyone up. As Ben read the letter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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