Chapter 2 - Introductions

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 A youthful yet muscular physique appeared on the other side, his blue eyes made contact with you and it felt as if a minute passed by where you both stared at each other. Finally a cough from the bloody officer snapped you out of your trance and you turned your head away in a panic.

Though Y/N wasn't a high maintenance girl, she at least liked to maintain basic hygiene and did some light makeup. Currently her hair was greasy and messy and the outfit, which consisted of a tank top that just covered your waist, had blood and other questionable stains on them. The low waisted pants that emphasized your hips were also dirty and the ends were soaked with mud and grime. Though the clothes did emphasize your curves well, about everything else with your appearance was not very pleasing to the eye with current circumstances, and it was definitely not a good first impression for a hot officer, though a police officer probably wouldn't be focused on that kind of thing at the moment.

" are you holding up?And who's this" The young officer asked, clearly concerned.

"I'm fine, and I have no idea. This girl just waltzed in here a minute ago like she owned the place." Marvin turned to look at the girl. "You got a name?"

"Y/N." I nodded and turned my gaze back onto the tall man. "You?


"What are police officers doing in Raccoon city? I thought everyone was evacuated a while ago."

"Not everyone" Marvin replied "Leon's trying to find a way out. With no luck so far I presume."

"Not yet" Leon sighed "But I have an idea."

"Why don't you bring the new girl with you? You guys could help each other out.

"Sure." Leon said after he paused for a moment "Come with me, I'll explain on the way."

"Okay...I'll see you later Marvin." Y/N said wearily

"I wouldn't count on it."


Y/N and Leon went up the stairs to the second floor, and they passed through a door leading to a room with a couple dead corpses on the ground.

"Wow. You've been busy huh." Y/N remarked as she inspected the zeroes. Each one had a single bullet through their head.

"Can't waste anymore then I need in a situation like this" Leon replied "Where's your gun? You've been holding that knife the entire time, not the most efficient weapon."

"Oh..uhh" Y/N stuttered "It's kind of my only weapon.."

Leon stared at her dumbfounded, before fiddling with a gun strapped to his belt and tossed it to her. Y/N caught it, but stumbled under the surprising weight of the firearm.

"That's the Matilda handgun. It has 18 bullets. Use wisely" He ushered

"Ummmm" Y/N held the gun with both hands "I don't know how to use a gun.."


"Ok. I'll teach you." He stepped behind Y/N and pressed his chest against her back. Y/N heart thumped loudly at his action. He took her arms and positioned them properly. "You need to hold the gun with more grip and strength. Aim for the head, and if you can't go for the knee, they'll be at least immobilized and can't reach you." Y/N nodded, hoping that Leon didn't realize how fast her heart was beating at that moment.

"We can practice on the next unlucky one that gets in our way." Leon said "Let's keep moving for now."

Although the building itself definitely wasn't small by any means, Y/N thought the inside was a never ending maze. There were rooms after rooms of weaponry, offices full of desks and paperwork, and also a bunch of dirty corpses on the floor. Did HE do this all by himself? Y/N wondered, impressed by Leon's ability to handle himself, especially since he was so young. Well, she was technically younger, but Y/N liked to stay humble, especially in circumstances like this where your ego could literally get you killed.

"So..I haven't asked for the reason you came here. While everyone was trying to get out of the city, you managed to force your way back to the heart of the city, what gives?" Leon asked with kid like curiosity.

"I'm searching for my friend" Y/N explained "You haven't seen a young lady, a bit taller than me running around this place have you?"

Leon shook his head "Haven't seen anyone alive since I got here except for the Lieutenant, but I also haven't seen any girls that match your description as a zero either" He added hastily.

"Okay" Y/N sighed frustratedly. "So... why are you and Marvin here alone? You don't look like you've been here too long. Your hair is fluffy and clean."
"Oh? Is that a compliment?" Leon asked teasingly and Y/N's face turned flush.

"No! I mean...take it however you want it. I'm just making a calculated guess." She said as she touched the ends of her hair nervously, remembering just how greasy it was and how she probably looked and smelled not so appealing at the moment. Surprisingly though, Leon never mentioned it or even looked repulsed by it. He gazed at Y/N with an uplifting innocent smile that would make any girl swoon, but she poised herself and stayed calm, but couldn't help but give a little grin.

A quiet groaning noise was made and as Y/N turned around she was just in time to see a big infected man lunge for her.

"Y/N! Watch out!" Leon grabbed your arms and swung his body in front of yours, blocking the attack from the man. A huge slash went across his back but he didn't budge.

"Leon!" Y/N cried and wasted no time firing her first shot with the gun she was given. It hit the man's shoulder blade and only seemed to prevent the man from moving for a second. As soon as he recovered however Y/N took a second shot and it landed right between his eyes. The man fell down in one fell swoop and remained motionless.

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